Precipitating electrons from the radiation belts with energies greater than from 150 keV to 5 MeV have been correlated with ozone data of a large number of stations located within 40-70° N. Energetic electrons have been collected by the low altitude polar Russian satellite METEOR while ozone data have been compiled from almost ninety (90) stations located all over the world within the latitude zone 40-70° N. In more than 60% of the stations examined, we detect a clear decrease of the ozone variation during and after the occurrence of an electron flux excess, which recovers within 3-5 days. The more northern is a station located, the deeper is the ozone decrease. Moreover, clear evidence that the solar cycle affects ozone destruction through energetic electron events is presented. The preliminary results of the present work stimulate a future attempt for a simple ozone destruction mechanism formulation, which could describe atomic nitrogen ionization by energetic electrons, which in the following merge to atomic oxygen and produce nitrogen oxides. Finally, nitrogen oxides destruct ozone creating characteristic decreases on the normal ozone variation. © 2008 COSPAR.
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