Leaf structure of pelargonium odoratissimum (Soland.), an aromatic species widely used in herbal remedies and confectionery


Christodoulakis NS, Gargeraki K, Fasseas C. Leaf structure of pelargonium odoratissimum (Soland.), an aromatic species widely used in herbal remedies and confectionery. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants [Internet]. 2013;19(2):132 - 143.


The dorsiventral, amphistomatic, hairy leaf of Pelargonium odoratissimum was lacking the variety of the anatomical features considered advantages for the Mediterranean plant life compared to the leaf of most Mediterranean xerophytes. Conversely, it had a well-equipped and intensely functioning secretory apparatus. Light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy were employed to investigate the leaf structure while histochemical reactions traced the nature of the secreted metabolites. The numerous trichomes of the leaf were very active in producing phenolics, terpenes, and flavonoids mixed in a fragrant essential oil accumulated in an ovoid chamber at the top of each secreting hair. In-vitro cell cultures may be used for the production of novel compounds from low-cost precursors. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Export Date: 7 February 2017CODEN: JHEPECorrespondence Address: Christodoulakis, N.S.; Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Ilissia, Athens 15701, Greece; email: nchristo@biol.uoa.grChemicals/CAS: phenol, 108-95-2, 3229-70-7References: Andrade, M.A., Cardoso, M.G., Batista, L.R., Freire, J.M., Nelson, D.L., Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of essential oil of Pelargonium odoratissimum (2010) Braz. J. Pharmacognosy, 21, pp. 47-52;Balandrin, M.J., Klocke, J.A., Medicinal, aromatic and industrial materials from plants (1988) Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 4, pp. 1-36. , Y. P. J. 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