Research Impact

Total Google Scholar Citations: 1571, h index: 22, i10 index: 37, g index: 34

No 496 out of Top 500 economists for 1994-1998: Tom Coupe's European Economic Association analysis.


RePec Rankings (August 2024): top 6% Greece, top 7% Europe, top 7% European Union.

Top 5% in the World in:



  1. Number of Distinct Works, Weighted by Number of Authors
  2. Number of Journal Pages, Weighted by Number of Authors
  3. Number of Abstract Views in RePEc Services over the past 12 months
  4. Number of Downloads through RePEc Services over the past 12 months
  5. Number of Abstract Views in RePEc Services over the past 12 months, Weighted by Number of Authors
  6. Number of Downloads through RePEc Services over the past 12 months, Weighted by Number of Authors


Book  reviews of "Values and Economic Theory : The Case of Hedonism": History  of  Economics  Review, 1993, No.20, vol13;  Scottish Journal of  Political Economy, 1994, No.2, vol.41; History  of  Political Economy, 1994, No.1, vol.26. The  European Journal of the  History  of Economic Thought, 1994, No2, vol.1



The book is also mentioned in the bibliography list of:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Philosophy of Economics” by D. Hausman, (ed.) E. Zalta, 2003,

Academic American Encyclopedia, Grolier Inc. 1996.

Dicionario de Filosofia, vol.2 by J. Ferater-Mora, Edicoes Loyola, 2001.


Book  reviews of  An Introduction to Macroeconomics, L-P. Rochon and S. Rosi (eds), Edward Elgar, Chentelham, UK, Review of Political Economy, DOI:




Articles Nos 9 and 25 are in the reading list for the course “Advanced Microeconomics”, University of Missouri, USA. Also No.9  is in the economics reading list of: University of Ottawa (Ca), Buffalo State College,  USA.


Article No 9 is on the reading list for Heterodox Microeconomics Research Network (


Article No 10 is on the reading list for the post-graduate course “Agricultural Economics”, University of Toronto, Canada; and of the Texas A&M University.

Article No. 19 is on the reading list for the post-graduate course “Distributive Justice and Economic Inequality”, University of Oslo.


Article No.27 is in the reading list for the course “Economics, and Distributive Justice”, London Metropolitan University.


Article No.28 is in the reading list for the course “Philosophy of Economics”, University of Exeter, UK.


Article no. 36 is included in the Routledge Historical Resourses: History of Economic

Thought (2017), edited by Faccarello, G and Kurz, H.


Article No. 42, is cited in the topic of   “Absenteeism”  in  Wikipedia.

Article No. 44, is cited in the topic of   “Francis Edgeworth” in  Hmolpedia.


Chapter in edited book No. 58, is included in the Routledge Historical Resourses: History of Economic Thought (2017), edited by Faccarello, G. and Kurz, H.