Monitoring the performance of EU industry and industrial ecosystems

The general objective of this project is to effectively and efficiently support the implementation of the EC's industrial strategy, by implementing a monitoring framework and providing analytical and operational support to the Industrial Forum EC expert group. The specific objectives are:
1. To setup the monitoring framework, based on the Advanced Technologies for Industry (ATI) platform, but extending its scope to an 'observatory of EU industry and industrial ecosystems across the EU and in the Member States' platform. This platform will serve Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) and other Commission services, as well as Industrial Forum members, R&I actors, cluster organisations and other external stakeholders
2. To analyse EU industry and EU industrial ecosystems across the EU and in the Member States, covering all relevant actors, including SMEs, cluster organisations and R&I actors
3. To support the Industrial Forum, including among others: - Performing analytical work to understand common challenges and opportunities and across the-board solutions for all industrial ecosystems; - Performing analytical work to support identifying areas for possible cross-border and cross ecosystems collaboration, in particular with the aim to unlock the potential of new value chains and innovation-driven' locomotives' for the recovery.
Thus, by the end of the contract the contracting authority wants to have in place an established, content-rich platform, including a vibrant community around it, which will provide a wide range of information about the industrial ecosystems, the generation and uptake of advanced technologies, the status of progress in the ecosystems' twin digital and green transition and the existence or possible (risks of) strategic dependencies (in particular in the area of advanced technologies).


January, 2022



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