This study analyses the Saharan dust (SD) events over Athens during 2000-2005 using daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) satellite data. The dust events were identified using the MODIS daily observations over Greece and the dates with detectable dust plumes were collected. The aerosol optical depth (AOD 550) and fine-mode (FM) values from Terra-MODIS and Aerosol Index (AI) values from TOMS were obtained over Athens for the dusty days focusing on analysing the seasonality, intensity, transport pathways and mechanisms of dust. Seventy-nine dusty days were identified corresponding to SD events with duration from 1 to 4 consecutive days; the majority of SD events occur in April-May and July, with less during winter. The dust frequency presents large seasonal and intra-annual variation, with a maximum of 20 dust events in 2002 and a minimum of 7 in 2003. The use of TOMS-AI seems to be adequate for the characterization of dust over Athens despite the fact that 35% of the dusty days do not correspond to high AI values. The dust events are more intense during spring, mostly associated with dust transport from near surface to mid troposphere (vertical transport mechanism), while dust events detected only within the boundary layer have the lowest AOD values. On the other hand, the dust events in summer are of larger duration due to stable weather conditions and absence of precipitation and transportation at elevated heights. © 2012 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Cited By :6Export Date: 2 November 2015Correspondence Address: Kaskaoutis, D. G.; Research and Technology Development Center, Sharda University, Greater Noida, NCR 201306, India; email:
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