Structures or cells with secreting activity were localized in the leaves of Lavandula vera. Light and electron microscopy, both TEM and SEM, were applied for the investigation of the secreting sites. A series of histochemical reactions was applied and a spectrum of metabolites produced was identified. Terpenes, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids, and various types of phenolics were present. Leaf tissue was cultured and callus was produced. Callus cell masses were also investigated for their structure and secreting activity. Callus cells were found to be synthetically active and to produce - as leaf cells do-compounds of potential interest. © 2007 Science From Israel / LPPLtd.
Cited By :9Export Date: 7 February 2017CODEN: IJUPECorrespondence Address: Christodoulakis, N.S.; Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Athens 15701, Greece; email:
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