Cited By :14Export Date: 7 February 2017CODEN: BECTACorrespondence Address: Christodoulakis, N.S.; Institute of General Botany, University of Athens, Athens, 157 84, GreeceChemicals/CAS: Air PollutantsReferences: Capron, T.M., Mansfield, T.A., Inhibition of net photosynthesis in tomato in air polluted with NO and NO2 (1976) J Exp Bot, 27, pp. 1181-1186;Christodoulakis, N.S., Mitrakos, K., Sstructural analysis of sclerophylly in eleven evergreen phaner-ophytes in Greece (1987) NATO ASI Series. Vol. 615, Plant response to stress, , J.D., Tenhunen, et al., Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidel berg;
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