Chondropoulos B, Fraguedakis S, Tsekoura N, Tryfonopoulos G, Pafilis P, Valakos ED. Contribution to the study of the genetic variability and taxonomic relationships among five lizard species of the family Lacertidae from Greece. Belgian Journal of ZoologyBelgian Journal of Zoology. 2000;130:37-41.
The present study examines the genetic variability and the taxonomic relationships among five lacertid species, i.e. Podarcis taurica, P. milensis, P. peloponnesiaca, Lacerta graeca and Algyroides moreoticus, representing the three main genera of this family in Europe. The last four of the above species are endemic to Greece and three of them live sympatrically in Peloponnisos. These relationships were studied by allozyme analysis. Of the loci analyzed, the Mpi-1 locus was found to be a convenient molecular marker for discrimination of the genera Podarcis (allele a), Lacerta (allele b) and Algyroides (allele c). The values of Nei’s genetic distances between the examined species ranged from 0.025 to 0.484. According to the UPGMA-dendrogram plotted using the Nei’s genetic distances, two species groups are formed indicating that the genera Lacerta and Algyroides show a stronger relationship to one another than either does to Podarcis. These results are in agreement with DNA sequence data but are not in accordance with previous electrophoretic and immunological studies, which suggest that Lacerta is more closely related to Podarcis than to Algyroides. The studied Podarcis taxa were found to be close relatives (Nei’s distances <0.18), especially P. taurica and P. milensis. These values are lower than those usually given in the literature for the distinction of lacertid species.