
Dr Nafsika Papageorgiou , is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-food and  Natural Resources Management of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the subject “Biodiversity”. She is a biologist with a PhD in Marine Ecology (UoC 2009).

She has worked as a post doc researcher at HCMR and the Biology Department of UoC participating in the management and implementation of RTD projects and in teaching activities. She has been involved in 22 RTD projects (12 national and 10 EU funded ones), in one of them as project leader, focusing on biodiversity and ecosystem function of coastal benthic and planktonic communities, on aquaculture ecosystem interactions and on climate change impacts. Results of her work have been published in 45 international peer reviewed journals, as well as in 27 conference presentations and posters, more than 1000 citations and h-index 19. Her research interests include marine ecology, coastal ecosystems, human impacts on marine communities and ecosystems, biogeochemistry, biodiversity, benthic communities, mesocosm- and microcosm experiments.