Nonreciprocal guided modes in photonic crystals of magnetic garnet particles with a planar defect


Christofi A, Stefanou N. Nonreciprocal guided modes in photonic crystals of magnetic garnet particles with a planar defect. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 2014;31(9):2104-2108.


It is shown that a planar defect in the stacking sequence of an all-dielectric photonic crystal of garnet spheres supports localized optical guided modes, which originate from Mie resonances of the individual spheres. If the defect breaks space-inversion symmetry and the garnet particles are magnetized inplane, nonreciprocal and lossless transport of light on the defect plane, expected on the basis of group theory in the Voigt–Cotton–Mouton configuration, is demonstrated in ultrathin films of the defect crystal by means of full electrodynamic calculations using the layer-multiple-scattering method properly extended to photonic crystals of gyrotropic spheres.