Tailoring the interaction of light with static and dynamic magnetization fields in stratified nanostructures


Pantazopoulos PA, Stefanou N. Tailoring the interaction of light with static and dynamic magnetization fields in stratified nanostructures. In: Optomagnonic Structures: Novel Architectures for Simultaneous Control of Light and Spin Waves. Singapore: World Scientific; 2021. pp. 1-77.


This chapter first summarizes the fundamentals of classical electrodynamics in continuous media, placing emphasis on the optical response of gyrotropic materials. It, subsequently, develops in a concise but rigorous manner the scattering- and transfer-matrix methods for general stratified photonic media, based on a versatile six-vector formulation of Maxwell equations. Applications are reported for periodic and defect one-dimensional (1D) magnetophotonic structures in different configurations. A consistent interpretation of some remarkable phenomena, such as occurrence of photonic gaps and localized defect modes, enhanced magnetooptical effects, non-reciprocal optical response, etc., is provided through a thorough analysis of relevant dispersion diagrams in conjunction with transmission/reflection spectra. Finally, the concept of a dual optomagnonic cavity, formed in judiciously designed stratified magnetophotonic structures, for strong photon–magnon interaction is introduced. Methods for its theoretical description, namely the Green’s function-based perturbation expansion, the quasi-static adiabatic approximation, and a fully dynamic time-Floquet approach, are developed, and their accuracy and limits of validity are assessed. Proof-of-concept demonstrations are presented for enhanced interaction of light, trapped in optical defect modes, with perpendicular standing spin waves, in a dielectric magnetic film sandwiched between two dielectric Bragg mirrors.