Patrina PAPARRIGOPOULOU- Pechlivanidis is Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of Athens. She is a member of the Bar of the Athens Lawyers and a lawyer in the Supreme Court since 1997. She specializes in administrative law and the social security law. She is married and has two children.
She has published several books and articles. Including "The supplementary social insurance in the European competition law", ed. Ant. Sakkoulas N. 2002, "Public Health Law" ed. Legal Library in 2009, "Social Insurance Law" ed. Legal Library 2013.
Also she has published a number of articles, including: "The distinction entre basic pension and contributory pension: The paradoxes of the recent reform to the Greek pension scheme (Laws 3863 and 3865/2010)," Pensions, 2011 (16), pp 51-62, "Constitution, Social Rights and Economic Crisis. The case of Greece, "Volume in honor of Professor Asbjørn Kjønstad, Velferd of rettferd, Festskrift til Asbjørn Kjønstad, 70ar, éd.Ketscher K., K. Lilleholt, E. Smith, A. Syse, ed. Gyldendal, Oslo, 2012, p. 449-461, "Reflections on 3410/2014 and 3663/2014 decisions of the Council of State on pension reductions" (in Greek) EDKA 12/2014, p. 823-834, "Social Security for Posted and Borderworkers, according to the rules 883/2004 / EC "(in Greek), on the site etc.
She was Deputy Ombudsman responsible for social protection in the period 2003-2008, member of the Commission for the preparation of the draft Law 3029/2002, member of the Committee of Experts on pension reform (Law 3863/2010 ). She is a substitute member of the Council for Social Insurance (2012- to date) and substitute member of the National Authority for Medically Assisted Procreation (2014- to date).
She has extensive experience as counsel and advocate of social insurance agencies, occupational funds and private companies that conduct studies and public works.
(Last updated: March 27, 2015)