Publications by Year: 2005

Bella S. Cognitive motivation and pragmatic functions of the Greek deictics. Journal of Greek Linguistics [Internet]. 2005;6:39-60. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper is a study of the way in which native speakers of Modern Greek use deictic categories. Specifically, it provides a theoretical account of the cognitive procedures that motivate the choice of one deictic over its counter-part in a deictic contrast and the pragmatic effects that this particular choice seems to have in terms of the speech situation.
Μπέλλα Σπυριδούλα. Πραγματολογία και διαγλώσσα: η περίπτωση του Ιστορικού Ενεστώτα [=pragmatics and interlanguage: the case of the Historical Present]. Glossologia. 2005;16:27-49.