Assistant Professor

Stamatina Dimakopoulou (MA, PhD) studied at University College London and taught on BA and MA programmes at Goldsmiths and Royal Holloway, University of London. She is currently Assistant Professor in American Literature and Culture at the Department of English Language and Literature (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) where she teaches a wide range of modules that take in cultural history, literature, the visual arts, modernist, avant-garde and contemporary cultural movements and thought. Her teaching and research focus on convergences and interrelations between diverse cultural forms, theory and cultural history. She is teaching on the MA programme in Anglophone Literature and Culture, and has taught on the Interdepartmental Programme on Translation Studies and Literary Translation. She has supervised numerous MA dissertations, and has supervised PhDs in joint PhD programmes with Paris Nanterre and Paris Diderot. She is currently supervising PhD dissertations on modernisms and contemporary poetics and activism. She has taught as an invited lecturer in Paris Nanterre, and has guest-lectured at Kanagawa University in Japan. In 2016, she was Fulbright Visiting Scholar at New York University. Publications include articles and book chapters on Surrealism, modernist magazines, transatlantic avant-gardes and reception, avant-garde art and poetry in modernism’s wake. She has chapters in The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, Hot Art, Cold War – Southern and Eastern European Writing on American Art 1945-1990, and has published on artists and writers like Paul Auster, Sophie Calle, Vito Acconci, Robert Smithson, Frank O’Hara. She is a founding member and co-editor of the international and blind peer-reviewed electronic journal Synthesis: an anglophone journal of comparative literary studies that publishes transcultural and interdisciplinary research and features international Editorial and Academic Boards (15 issues, 2008 to the present). Under the auspices of CIVIS, she has co-launched Transitive Modernities, a network combining education and research and participates in the CIVIS projects Postracial Τransmodernities και CARE: Care, Agency, Repair, Engagement in Alternative Modern(c)ities. With Vassilis Vlastaras (Athens School of Fine Arts), and Atopos cvc she has co-devised the Tyvek Project (practice-based workshops on James Merrill’s Self-Portrait in Tyvek TM Windbreaker and the New York Spanner (1978-1980), followed by an exhibition at Atopos cvc. Her current research focuses on forms of vulnerability and reciprocity, examining a wide range of art forms, and a transcontinental theoretical, and literary corpus.