Gross motor development in full-term Greek infants assessed by the Alberta Infant Motor Scale: Reference values and socioeconomic impact.


Syrengelas D, Kalampoki V, Kleisiouni P, Konstantinou D, Siahanidou T. Gross motor development in full-term Greek infants assessed by the Alberta Infant Motor Scale: Reference values and socioeconomic impact. Early Hum Dev. 2014;90:353-7.


OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to investigate gross motor development in Greek infants and establish AIMS percentile curves and to examine possible association of AIMS scores with socioeconomic parameters. METHODS: Mean AIMS scores of 1068 healthy Greek full-term infants were compared at monthly age level with the respective mean scores of the Canadian normative sample. In a subgroup of 345 study participants, parents provided, via interview, information about family socioeconomic status. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship of infant motor development with socioeconomic parameters. RESULTS: Mean AIMS scores did not differ significantly between Greek and Canadian infants in any of the 19 monthly levels of age. In multiple linear regression analysis, the educational level of the mother and also whether the infant was being raised by grandparents/babysitter were significantly associated with gross motor development (p=0.02 and p<0.001, respectively), whereas there was no significant correlation of mean AIMS scores with gender, birth order, maternal age, paternal educational level and family monthly income. CONCLUSIONS: Gross motor development of healthy Greek full-term infants, assessed by AIMS during the first 19months of age, follows a similar course to that of the original Canadian sample. Specific socioeconomic factors are associated with the infants’ motor development.