Short Biography

Academic Positions

  • 2022 - Today: Promotion to Full Professor.
  • 2011 – 2022: Associate Professor, Department of Physics at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. From 2016 acting head of the Nuclear and Particle Physics Laboratory. From 2013 also Adjunct Associate Professor at “The Cyprus Institute”, Nicosia, Cyprus. Head of the research group at the SPECT Laboratory (SPECT-Lab).
  • 2001 – 2011: Assistant Professor, Division of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Physics Department at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (tenured May/2005).

Post-Doctoral Activities

  • 1996 – 2001: Research Associate at the University Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA). For the period May/1996 - April/1997 European Fellow (RETURN Fellowship Program) within the Marie Curie European Funding Program. Since 1998 Researcher C.
  • 1992 – 1995: Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) accelerator facility in Hamburg, Germany. Member of the High Energy Physics Group ZEUS. For the period Dec/1992 – Nov/1994 supported by a European Fellowship  (Institutional Fellowship) within the Human Capital and Mobility research funding program.
  • 1990 – 1991: Compulsory military service. Visiting Researcher at the National Research Centre Demokritos, Laboratory for Nuclear Physics (Tandem-Lab).
  • 1989: One year Postdoctoral appointment as Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Berlin.


  • 1985 – 1988: PhD in Experimental Nuclear Physics, Hahn-Meitner-Institute and Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfram von Oertzen. Thesis Title: “Refraktion und Kern-regenbogenstreuung schwerer Ionen” (in German)Refraction and the Rainbow Effect in the Heavy Ion Scattering”.  Grade: magna cum laude.
  • 1982 – 1984: MSc in Experimental Nuclear Physics, Hahn-Meitner-Institute and Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Thesis Title: “Massenbestimmung und Spektroskopie des exotischen Kernes 57Cu“ (in German) Binding Energy Measurement and Spectroscopy of the Exotic Nucleus 57Cu”.  Grade: sehr gut.
  • 1976 – 1981: Bachelor in Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Grade: Excellent (8.66/10.0)