
ISCH COST Action IS1406, Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond - a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning their first language, European Cooperation in Science and Technology

The Action focuses upon intervention for children and young people (aged 0-18 years) with Language Impairment (LI). Oral language (speaking and understanding) is critical to children's development, affecting the emergence of personal, social and academic skills throughout school and into the workplace. Most children acquire such skills effortlessly but a sizeable proportion, those with LI, do not. LI affects 5.8 million children and young people (0-18 years) across Europe.

THALES - APHASIA - Levels of Impairment in Greek Aphasia: Relationship with Processing Deficits, Brain Region, and Therapeutic Implications

Aphasia research has focused on different linguistic levels, such as the production and comprehension of morphosyntactic structures, the lexicon, phonology, and various aspects of the ability to produce and comprehend narratives. However, many open issues remain. (a) Few studies have co-examined these different levels of language to understand their interconnections. (b) Most research has not examined the “macrostructure” of language (communicative ability/ discourse).