This project collected data on the NUTS 3 regional breakdown of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) programmes under the Convergence, Regional Competitiveness and Employment (RCE) and the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Objectives. Regarding the latter, the focus was on Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) programmes only. For this, the project identified the cumulative allocations to selected projects as well as the expenditure at NUTS 3 level, broken down by the 86 priority themes, for the period 2007-2013. The collected and estimated data was stored in an easy-to-use database, so that data are available for further use by the Commission and, once these data are published, by the general public. Furthermore, results of the data were published in the form of maps, to provide first impressions of the nature and regional distribution of ERDF and CF programmes.