
The application of Partnership Principle in the 2021-2027 shared Management Funds covered by Common Provisions Regulation

This study aims at assessing the effectiveness of the partnership principle in the context of cohesion policy and the funds covered by the 2021-2027 Common Provisions Regulation (CPR), during the programming and implementation phases. In particular, the objectives of the study should be the following:
1. analysing how the regulatory provisions on partnership, included particularly in the 2021-2027 CPR and the European Code of Conduct on Partnership, have been effectively applied during the programming and implementation stages, identifying shortcomings and good practices;

Towards simplification – Analysis of selection of operations – Taking stock of practices in the EU Member States

The project Towards Simplification – Analysis of Selection of Operations – Analysis of Selection of Operations in the Member States takes stock of and disseminates information on the practices and procedures applied by national/regional authorities responsible for the management of the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund in EU Member States regarding the selection of operations in the programming period 2014-2020.