Publications by Year: 2009

Syriopoulos T, Tsatsaronis M. Corporate governance and firm performance: The case of the Greek shipping firms. Working Paper; 2009.
Syriopoulos T, Roumpis E. Asset allocation and value at risk in shipping equity portfolios. Maritime Policy & Management. 2009;36(1):57-78.
Syriopoulos T, Roumpis E. Dynamic correlations and volatility effects in the Balkan equity markets. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 2009;19(4):565-587.
Syriopoulos T, Roumpis E. Hedge Funds: Strategy, Risk and Performance Evaluation. Risk and Performance Evaluation (February 6, 2009). 2009.
Syriopoulos TC, Diakomihalis MN, Lekakou M, Stefanidaki E. The economic impact of the cruise industry on local communities: The case of Greece. CD-ROM Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Aegean University," Planning for the Future-Learning from the Past: Contemporary Developments in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality. 2009:3-5.