Short Biographical Note

Vlassis Likodimos, born in 1967 at Volos, completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in 1989, where he also received his PhD in Physics in 1996. After carrying out his 18-month obligatory military service, he has worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Pisa (1998-2000) on the development of scanning probe techniques as well as at the Institute of Materials Science in NCSR “Demokritos” (2000-2001) and then joined the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the National Technical University of Athens as a contractual lecturer (2001-2006). He then moved as research associate to the Photoredox conversion and solar energy storage lab at NCSR “D” (2007-2014) working on the development of innovative materials for energy and environmental applications. In 2010, he was elected Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics of NKUA, and he was appointed at this position on 2014, where he became Associate Professor in 2020. His current research focuses on the design and development of nanostructured photonic materials based on metal oxides, plasmonic nanoparticles and carbon nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications. He has participated in several EU and national research projects (three as PI) with 190 papers in peer reviewed journals (more than 6300 citations, h index = 46-Scopus) and 157 communications in international Conference proceedings, while he serves as reviewer in more than 60 international peer reviewed journals and Editorial Board member of Materials (Section Editor-in-Chief of Materials Physics) and Guest Editor of five Special Issues.