Time evolution of the magnetic properties of la0.5R0.5Ba2Cu3O6+x(R = rare earth) high-Tc superconductors


Guskos N, Likodimos V, Glenis S, Nabialek A, Szymczak H, Wabia M. Time evolution of the magnetic properties of la0.5R0.5Ba2Cu3O6+x(R = rare earth) high-Tc superconductors. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications [Internet]. 1999;317-318:558-560.


The magnetic properties of the mixed high-Tc superconductors Ea0.5R0.5Ba2Cu3O6+x (R - rare earth) are studied after prolonged 'aging' at room temperature (RT) for 1 year. Enhancement of the superconducting properties comprising the increase of the inhomogeneous diamagnetic signal for members of the series with the larger R-ion radius is detected after RT 'aging'. For the members with the larger R-ion radius the diamagnetic signal has been come more stronger whereas for the members with the smaller R-ion radius the time evolution of the superconducting properties remained almost the unchanged and the diamagnetic signal slightly decreases after 'aging'. The growth of the EPR intensity of localized Cu2+ centers complying with the rise of the normal-state magnetic susceptibility after prolonged storage at RT, is detected. The time evolution effects are related to slow ion diffusion processes that can be induced by stress-relaxation in the mixed Ea0.5R0.5Ba2Cu3O6+x structure, most pronounced for large R-ion radius. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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