PLAY4GUIDANCE (2014-2017)

Erasmus +, 2014-1-IT02-KA200-004150 Coordinator: FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO

Play4Guidance ( aims to bring the world of education and training in close contact with the job market, in order to match school and university curricula to the market’s real needs.

Furthermore, the project aims to boost entrepreneurial culture in young Europeans and help young Europeans acquire the skills needed to create new businesses. This will potentially contribute to a reduction in EU unemployment.

In addition, P4G aims to identify essential business skills among target groups and target countries and collect them in the Great Common Denominator Matrix.

Play4Guidance produces an effective European tool able to:

  • support students and unemployed in developing basic math, economic, digital and entrepreneurial transversal skills with a strong focus on problem solving and leadership,
  • allow students and unemployed to self-evaluate their skills, understand what being an entrepreneur means and realise what skills they need to improve on,
  • support various institutions such as guidance centres, job centres, SMEs, companies and universities in evaluating participant skills and guiding them through training and skill-building.


September, 2014 to August, 2017



Funded by: 

Erasmus +

Funding Type: 



Project Manager