How you provide corrective feedback makes a difference: The motivating role of communicating in an autonomy-supporting way


Mouratidis, A., Lens, W., & Vansteenkiste, M. (2010). How you provide corrective feedback makes a difference: The motivating role of communicating in an autonomy-supporting way. Journal of Sport and Exercise PsychologyJournal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32, 619-637. presented at the 2010.


ORCID Reference type: [bibtex]; ORCID Reference: [@article { mouratidis2010,title = {How you provide corrective feedback makes a difference: The motivating role of communicating in an autonomy-supporting way},journal = {Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology},year = {2010},volume = {32},number = {5},pages = {619-637},author = {Mouratidis, A. and Lens, W. and Vansteenkiste, M.}}]