Publications by Year: 2008

S. Stefanatos, Moustakas, A. L., and Polydoros, A., “Multicarrier transmission via Gabor frames: Signal design and channel compensation”, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA'08), 2008, pp. 464-469.
B. M. Zaidel, Müller, R. R., de Miguel, R., and Moustakas, A. L., “On the spectral efficiency of vector precoding for Gaussian MIMO broadcast channels”, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA'08), 2008, pp. 232-236.
P. Mertikopoulos and Moustakas, A. L., “Correlated anarchy in overlapping wireless networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1160-1169, 2008. arXiV
R. R. Muller, Guo, D., and Moustakas, A. L., “Vector precoding for wireless MIMO systems and its replica analysis”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 530-540, 2008.
B. M. Zaidel, Mueller, R. R., de Miguel, R., and Moustakas, A. L., “On Replica Symmetry Breaking in vector precoding for the Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channel”, in Proc. 46th annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing , 2008, pp. 126-132.
P. Mertikopoulos, Moustakas, A. L., and Dimitriou, N., “Vertical handover between wireless service providers”, in Proc. 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks (Wi-Opt), 2008, pp. 484-489.
M. Guillaud, Debbah, M., and Moustakas, A. L., “A characterization of maximum entropy spatially correlated wireless channel models”, in Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2008, pp. 56.
N. Dimitriou, Mertikopoulos, P., and Moustakas, A. L., “Vertical handover between wireless standards”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2008, pp. 3269-3273.
A. G. Kogiantis, Moustakas, A. L., Ozarow, L., and Simon, S. H., “Method for improved performance and reduced channel state information feedback in best effort data”, US Patent: US7433661, 2008.
A. L. Moustakas, Kogiantis, A. G., Simon, S. H., Monogioudis, P., and Benning, R., “Multiple antenna transmissions with deterministic phase differences”, US Patent: US7406335, 2008.
P. Kazakopoulos and Moustakas, A. L., “Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with random Gaussian input: Distribution of inverse scattering data and eigenvalues”, Physical Review E, vol. 78, no. 016603, 2008.