Publications by Year: 2010

M. Tselekounis, Varoutas, D., and Martakos, D., “On the irrelevance of input prices from a regulatory perspective”, 5th International conference on competition and regulation (CRESSE), pp. 2–4, 2010.
D. Varoutas, Special Issue: Telecommunications Techno-economics. Springer, 2010.
C. Michalakelis, Dede, G., Varoutas, D., and Sphicopoulos, T., “Estimating diffusion and price elasticity with application to telecommunications”, NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, vol. 11, pp. 221–242, 2010.
D. Varoutas, “Regulation, policy and user behaviour analysis for telecommunications networks and services”, NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, vol. 11, pp. 201, 2010.
M. Fokas, et al., “Initial techno-economic results for OMEGA home Gigabit networks”, in Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on, 2010, pp. 2793–2798.
C. Christodoulos, Michalakelis, C., and Varoutas, D., “Estimation of future prepaid—postpaid mobile telephony equilibrium in the OECD area”, in Telecommunications Internet and Media Techno Economics (CTTE), 2010 9th Conference on, 2010, pp. 1–4.
D. Maniadakis and Varoutas, D., “Population distribution effects in backbone network cost”, in GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2010 IEEE, 2010, pp. 410–414.
G. Dede, Kamalakis, T., Varoutas, D., Fuentetaja, R. G., and Javaudin, J. P., “Evaluation of technological and socio-economic issues affecting the deployment of home networks: evidence from the ICT-OMEGA project”, NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, vol. 11, pp. 181–200, 2010.
T. Rokkas, Katsianis, D., Kamalakis, T., and Varoutas, D., “Economics of Time and Wavelength Domain Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 2, pp. 1042–1051, 2010.
C. Christodoulos, Michalakelis, C., and Varoutas, D., “Forecasting with limited data: Combining ARIMA and diffusion models”, Technological forecasting and social change, vol. 77, pp. 558–565, 2010.
C. Michalakelis, Varoutas, D., and Sphicopoulos, T., “Innovation diffusion with generation substitution effects”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 77, pp. 541–557, 2010.
T. Rokkas, Katsianis, D., and Varoutas, D., “Techno-economic evaluation of FTTC/VDSL and FTTH roll-out scenarios: discounted cash flows and real option valuation”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 2, pp. 760–772, 2010.