Publications by Year: Submitted
D. Varoutas, Kamalakis, T., Katsianis, D., Sphicopoulos, T., Monath, T., and Athens Greece, G. R. 15784, “
Importance of the Maturity of Photonic Component Industry on the Business Prospects of Optical Access Networks: A Techno-economic Analysis”, Submitted.
D. Maniadakis and Varoutas, D., “
Structural properties of urban street networks of varying population density”,
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’13) Barcelona, pp. 1–6, Submitted.
M. de Oliveira Duarte, et al., “
IST-2000-25172 TONIC Deliverable number 8”, Submitted.
C. Michalakelis, Dede, G., Zerva, A., Varoutas, D., and Sphicopoulos, T., “
A methodology for estimating price and diffusion elasticity: an application to telecommunications”, Submitted.
C. Deligiorgi, Vavoulas, A., Michalakelis, C., Varoutas, D., and Sphicopoulos, T., “
Factors and characteristics affecting ADSL tariffs in Europe”, Submitted.
G. Kakaletris, Varoutas, D., Katsianis, D., and Sphicopoulos, T., “
Biometric Authentication in Broadband Networks for Location-Based Services”, Submitted.
D. Katsianis, Varoutas, D., Orfanos, I., Sphicopoulos, T., and Pantelis, S., “
A techno-economic evolutionary path for access technologies”, Submitted.
T. Kamalakis, et al., “
DC Drift of X-Cut LiNbO3 Modulators............... H. Nagata, Y. Li, WR Bosenberg, and GL Reiff 2233 Transverse Bragg-Resonant Enhancement of Modulation and Switching..... W. Liang, Y. Xu, JM Choi, A. Yariv, and W. Ng 2236 Propagation a”, Submitted.
D. Varoutas, Deligiorgi, K., Michalakelis, C., and Sphicopoulos, T., “
Price indexes for telecom market: An application to European market of leased lines”, Submitted.
G. Dede, Varoutas, D., Kamalakis, T., Goni, G., and Javaudin, J. P., “
Technological and Socio-Economic Issues Affecting the Deployment of Home Networks: Evidence from the ICT-OMEGA project”, Submitted.
G. Kakaletris, et al., “
User Needs & Market Analysis”,
M-Guide Deliverable D, vol. 2, Submitted.
D. Varoutas, Michalakelis, C., Vavoulas, A., and Deligiorgi, K., “
Diffusion Forecasting and Price Evolution of Broadband Services in Europe”, Submitted.