
Adverse neonatal experience-induced dopamine deficit affects prefrontal cortex development

Genetic and environmental factors interact for the determination of phenotype, both normal and pathological. Despite this fact, in most cases, animal models of diseases employ only genetic interventions (Crispr technology, knock-out or transgenes) to address the etiopathogenesis of human conditions with documented genetic bases, which account to a small percent of all human diseases. Few animal disease models employ environmental manipulations, mostly to simulate psychiatric conditions.

Adverse neonatal experience-induced dopamine deficit affects prefrontal cortex development

Genetic and environmental factors interact for the determination of phenotype, both normal and pathological. Despite this fact, in most cases, animal models of diseases employ only genetic interventions (Crispr technology, knock-out or transgenes) to address the etiopathogenesis of human conditions with documented genetic bases, which account to a small percent of all human diseases. Few animal disease models employ environmental manipulations, mostly to simulate psychiatric conditions.