Publications by Year: 2016

Ağir B. Context and Semantic Aware Location Privacy. 2016.
Koutsopoulos I, Papaioannou TG, Hatzi V, others. Modeling and optimization of the smart grid ecosystem. Foundations and Trends® in Networking. 2016;10:115–316.
Papaioannou TG, Hatzi V, Koutsopoulos I. Optimal design of serious games for consumer engagement in the smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2016;9:1241–1249.
Papaioannou TG, Koutsopoulos I, Hatzi V. Optimal Design of Serious Games for Consumer Engagement in the Smart. Transactions on Smart Grid. 2016.
Katsalis K, Papaioannou TG, Nikaein N, Tassiulas L. SLA-driven VM Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE CLOUD. 2016.