Magnetic properties of Ga
xN are studied theoretically by employing a tight binding approach to determine exchange integrals
Jijcharacterizing the coupling between Mn spin pairs located at distances
Rij up to the 16th cation coordination sphere in zinc-blende GaN. It is shown that for a set of experimentally determined input parameters there are no itinerant carriers and the coupling between localized Mn
3+ spins in GaN proceeds
via superexchange that is ferromagnetic for all explored
Rij values. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations serve to evaluate the magnitudes of Curie temperature
TC by the cumulant crossing method. The theoretical values of
x) are in quantitative agreement with the experimental data that are available for Ga
xN with randomly distributed Mn
3+ ions with the concentrations 0.01 ≤
x ≤ 0.1.
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