Tombrou M, Bossioli E, Protonotariou AP, Flocas H, Giannakopoulos C, Dandou A.
Coupling GEOS-CHEM with a regional air pollution model for Greece. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2009;43(31):4793 - 4804.
Website Bossioli E, Tombrou M, Dandou A, Athanasopoulou E, Varotsos KV.
The role of planetary boundary-layer parameterizations in the air quality of an urban area with complex topography. Boundary-Layer Meteorology [Internet]. 2009;131(1):53 - 72.
Website Dandou A, Tombrou M, Schäfer K, Emeis S, Protonotariou AP, Bossioli E, Soulakellis N, Suppan P.
A comparison between modelled and measured mixing-layer height over Munich. Boundary-Layer Meteorology [Internet]. 2009;131(3):425 - 440.
Website Bossioli E, Tombrou M, Dandou A, Athanasopoulou E, Varotsos KV.
The role of planetary boundary-layer parameterizations in the air quality of an urban area with complex topography. Boundary-Layer Meteorology [Internet]. 2009;131:53-72.
Website Dandou A, Tombrou M, Schäfer K, Emeis S, Protonotariou AP, Bossioli E, Soulakellis N, Suppan P.
A comparison between modelled and measured mixing-layer height over Munich. Boundary-Layer Meteorology [Internet]. 2009;131:425-440.