
  • PhD, Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Concentrations: History of Slavic Churches, History of the Russian Church. Dissertation: The stance of the Russian Church against Heretics (14th-15th cc.) (in greek).
  • MA, Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Concentrations: History of Slavic Churches, History of the Russian Church. Thesis: The Canonization of Saints in the Russian Church in the last decade of the 20th century (in greek).
  • BA, Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • BA, History and Archeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


  • Teacher of Religious Studies, 2019-2022, American College of Greece (Pierce).
  • Instructor, 2018-2022, City Unity College/Euraka, School of Orthodox Theology and Humanitarian Studies.
  • Teacher of Religious Studies, 2017-2018, Arsakeia Schools.
  • Visiting Lecturer, 2016, University of Athens, School of Theology
  • Teacher of Religious Studies, 2016-2017, Arsakeia-Tositseia Schools.
  • Instructor, 2012-2016, City Unity College/Universitatea din București, School of Pastoral Theology.

  • Курсы русского языка (Центр Международного Образования-МГУ им. Ломоносова), Москва.
  • Курсы русского языка (Центр Международного Образования-МГУ им. Ломоносова), Москва.
  • Summer Camp- International Encounters of Orthodox Camp Leaders and Organizers, SYNDESMOS, St. Petersburg.
  • Курсы русского языка (Центр Международного Образования-МГУ им. Ломоносова), Москва.
  • Cyrillomethodiana, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens.
  • Mission in the Slavic World, Athens.
  • Kurs srpskog jezika (Univerzitet u Beogradu), Beograd.
  • History of the People of the Balkan Peninsula (Α΄), Athens.
  • Kurs srpskog jezika, (Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo), Pale.
  • Liturgical Life and Theological Issues, Balkan Orthodox Youth Association, Belgrade.

Language Skills:

  • English-Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English. University of Cambridge.
  • French-Sorbonne II-Certificat Pratique de Langue Française- 2ème degré. Institut Français d’ Athènes.
  • Russian-Сертификат 2- Русский язык- Постпороговый уровень. Афинский институт русского языка имени А.С.ПУШКИНА.