Publications by Year: 2022

Alexopoulos JD, Voulgaris N, Dilalos S, Gkosios V, Giannopoulos I-K, Mitsika GS, Vassilakis E, Sakkas V, Kaviris G. Near-Surface Geophysical Characterization of Lithologies in Corfu and Lefkada Towns (Ionian Islands, Greece). Geosciences [Internet]. 2022;12(12):446.
Lefkada and Corfu old towns are located in the western part of Greece, in the Ionian Sea. Their proximity to the Hellenic subduction zone (HSZ) is the reason for their intense seismicity. The main goal of this study was the estimation of the geotechnical characteristics of the subsurface, with the contribution of applied geophysical techniques. Therefore, seismic refraction tomography (SRT) and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) were applied. A total of thirty-three (33) seismic and geoelectrical profiles were performed in both towns in order to evaluate the geotechnical characteristics of the subsurface formations. Additionally, subsurface resistivity distributions were investigated with the application of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Some important elastic moduli were calculated through the combination of estimated seismic wave velocities and laboratory density measurements. The horizontal distribution of seismic velocities and mechanical properties (σ, E, K, G) of Corfu town was illustrated in maps, for the depth of 5 m. The geophysical interpretation also revealed that Lefkada’s subsurface consists of only one compact geological formation, with little or no variation of its geophysical-geotechnical characteristics. Beyond that, the ground type classifications for the two towns were determined according to the European Committee for Standardization Eurocode 8, based on Vs30 values.
Alexopoulos J, Mitsika G, Giannopoulos I, Gkosios V, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E. ILIDA-KIT tool: First results of near surface geophysical investigation techniques for successful management of coastal erosion. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Anifadi A, Sykioti O, Koutroumbas K, Vassilakis E, Georgiou E, Vasilatos C. Investigating the capability of Sentinel-2 and Worldview-3 SWIR to map the main mineralogical composition of bauxite through spectral unmixing. Case Study: Itea, Greece. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Gkaidatzoglou K, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E. Increased Accuracy of the Photogrammetric UAS Data Processing for the Detection of River Channel and Boulder Dimensions and Displacement after High Severity Floods. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Kapetanidis V, Kaviris G, Spingos I, Kassaras I, Sakkas V, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Alexopoulos J, Dilalos S, et al. The evolution of recent seismicity in the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) with implications on seismic hazard assessment. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Karantanellis S, Marinos V, Vassilakis E, Papathanasiou G. Object-based landslide mapping using ML and UAS photogrammetric products. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Katsora C, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Alexopoulos J. Monitoring of the erosional phenomena next to the active fault of Psatha (Attica, Greece) with diachronic Terrestrial LiDAR data acquisition. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. poster
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Kotsi E, Kontostavlos G, Lekkas E, Stavropoulou M, Giannopoulos I. Introducing Interdisciplinary Innovative Techniques for Mapping Karstic Caves. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Mitsika G, Alexopoulos J, Giannopoulos I, Gkosios V, Dilalos S, Fillis C, Vassilakis E, Kaviris G, Sakkas V, Voulgaris N. Preliminary results of near-surface geophysical survey in Lefkada town (Greece). In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Sakkas V, Kaviris G, Kapetanidis V, Alexopoulos J, Spingos I, Kassaras I, Dilalos S, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, et al. Ground Deformation Study of the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) Based on Continuous GNSS Measurements. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Laskari S, Lialiaris I, Soukis K, Kotsi E, Lekkas E. Mapping the spatial distribution of detached boulders with the use of ultra-high resolution remote sensing data and simulation of rockfall events. The case of Kalymnos Island. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. poster
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Petrakis S, Kotsi E, Fillis C, Triantaphyllou M, Antonarakou A, Lekkas E. Combination of close-range remote sensing data (TLS and UAS) and techniques for structural measurements across the deformation zone of the Ionian thrust in Zakynthos Isl. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Vassilakis E, Stavropoulou M, Konsolaki A, Giannopoulos I, Petrakis S, Kotsi E, Lekkas E, Kokkoromytis A. Introducing an innovative methodology for mapping rock-discontinuities, based on the interpretation of 3D photogrammetry products. The case of Akronafplia castle. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. poster
Nikitas A, Tsourou T, Vassilakis E, Velitzelos D, Triantaphyllou M. Rifting of the Sub-Pelagonian carbonate platform: A case study from the Aggelokastro section, Argolida, Greece. In: Paleontology and Stratigraphy in 21st century Greece. Athens, Greece; 2022.Abstract
This study presents the preliminary results of selected samples from Aggelokastro section, Argolida, Greece. The section is comprised of a ~200m thick carbonate sedimentary succession, capped by ~50m of clastic sediments of the “schist-sandstone-chert” formation. The entire sedimentary sequence belongs to the Sub-Pelagonian type B Unit, member of the tectonostratigraphic terrain H3, equivalent to the non-metamorphic Pelagonian platform (Papanikolaou, 1990; Papanikolaou, 2021). In total 12 thin sections were produced from selected samples and studied under the microscope. Each sample was characterized according to the Standard Microfacies (SMF) scheme of Flugel (2010). The results show significant diversion between paleoenvironmental conditions and are divided into three main parts (see Fig. 1): -          Lower formation: shallow water carbonate succession with densely packed peloidal packstones-grainstones with coated benthic foraminifera (Orbitopsella and others), gastropods and echinoids (SMF 11, platform margin shoals or platform margin reef) and wackestones with gastropods, benthic foraminifera and algae (SMF 8, open marine-interior platform) -          Middle formation: transitional (slope) environment carbonates, represented by a polymictic breccia grading to wackestone with subangular-subrounded lithoclasts and bioclasts (shell debris, radiolaria, benthic foraminifera and large bivalve shells) (SMF 4, slope or toe-of-slope) and -          Upper formation: deep marine environment carbonates, including Ammonitico Rosso facies, represented by wackestones-packstones with spicules, thin shelled bivalves, radiolaria and planktonic foraminifera (SMF 1 and 3, deep shelf or deep sea). Additionally, smear slides from the “flysch-like” succession point to a deep marine clastic environment with rare or absent carbonate material. The defined Standard Microfacies show a clear deepening upward trend, marking the rifting of the carbonate platform. Regarding geological age considerations, the lower formation should be considered as Early Jurassic (late Sinemurian – middle/late Plienbachian) due to the presence of Orbitopsella sp. (Ogg et al., 2016). The Ammonitico Rosso facies of the upper formation is tentatively attributed to Middle Jurassic, similarly to the dating of radiolarites above the carbonate platform (Danelian and Robertson, 1995) in Beotia area. Lastly, the “flysch-like” clastic succession is generally considered of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age, according to Papanikolaou (1990).
Asimakopoulou P, Nastos P, Vassilakis E, Hatzaki M, Antonarakou A. Satellite remote sensing as a tool to promote education on climate crisis in schools. In: 1st Conference for Climate Crisis. Athens, Greece; 2022.
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Petrakis S, Kotsi E, Fillis C, Lozios S, Lekkas E. 4D point cloud analysis of the September 2020 Medicane impact on Myrtos beach in Cephalonia, Greece. 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM). 2022.Abstract
The coastal area of Myrtos beach, is a very popular Natura protected area at the Northern part of Cephalonia Island, in W. Greece, which suffered severe damages during the Medicane named after “Ianos”, that affected the Greek territory in September 2020. Most of the steep slope area, which hosts the road that leads to the the beach area itself were extensively covered by debris due to mudflows, interrupting aggressively the road connection with the inland network. The use of Unmanned Aerial Systems proved to be an ideal way of mapping quite small areas, with limited access to road networks. The generation of ultra-high resolution spatial products seems to be optimal for mapping and quantifying mass movements that cover areas ranging from less than one square kilometer up to few square kilometers. The aim of such a multi-temporal study, which is described herein, contains aerial image data collection and analysis, before and after the catastrophic event. It is leading to the quantification of the surface topographic changes, by generating a time series of point clouds, after creating several terrain models along with ortho-photo-mosaics, based on Structure-from-Motion photogrammetric techniques. The digital comparison of the co-registered photogrammetric products showed that significant surface alterations have taken place due to the 2020 Medicane. The diachronic point clouds led to the detection and quantification of elevation changes, mainly at the central part of the area of interest, whereas the elevation values of the point clouds were found rather altered, before and after “Ianos”, either positively (deposition) or negatively (erosion), delineating the areas that suffered surface changes.
Valkanou K, Karymbalis E, Vassilakis E, Soldati M, Papanastassiou D, Gaki-Papanastassiou K. Knickpoint extraction for the evaluation of active tectonics: the case of Evia Ιsland, Greece. In: 10th International Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). Coimbra, Portugal; 2022.
Τhis study aims to investigate to what extent the drainage systems of the northern part of Evia Island, in Central Greece, reflect the contemporary tectonic regime of the area. The effects of tectonic activity have been detected and described by performing a landscape morphological analysis of the drainage systems, followed by a field survey for validating the results. The Relative Declivity Extension (RDE) index, which is based on the Stream Length (SL) gradient index, was calculated along the channels of 189 drainage basins of the study area, using the Knickpoint Finder tool integrated into ArcGIS desktop. The Hack RDE index is defined by the ratio of the RDEs index (which refers to a stretch) and the RDEt index (which refers to the total length of a river) was applied, and its calculation identifies the knickpoints based on anomaly values detection along the longitudinal profiles of the rivers. Furthermore, knickpoint analysis was carried out along the channels of the drainage networks of the northern part of the Evia Island and the corresponding anomaly maps were designed. A total of 2,486 knickpoints were identified and the greatest anomalies (139 points), named first-order anomalies (RDE>10), seem to correspond to a recently shaped or rejuvenated landscape, indicative of intense neotectonic activity. In some cases, the spatial distribution of knickpoints delineates a NW-SE trending yielding the structural control of the study area. The comparison of the results with the lithological map of the area showed that about 30% of the knickpoints are lithologically controlled. The identification of zones of neotectonic activity and consequently the existence of active faults is highly correlated with the distribution of knickpoints and their core density, the drainage density, the drainage asymmetries, and other morphometric indices such as the hypsometric integral, along with the earthquake epicentres, and the morpho-lineament density. The overall analysis showed a positive correlation of the concentration of the derived knickpoints with both active structures and tectonic activity rates. The results were consistent with field observations, which were mainly focused on waterfall landforms. Our study proves that the landscape evolution of the northern part of the Evia Island is considerably affected by the recent activity of normal fault zones, whereas the drainage systems react to the changes of base-level providing insights on active tectonics.
Panagiotopoulou S, Erkeki A, Grigorakakis P, Vassilakis E. The use of UAS imagery equipped with multispectral camera for Precision Agriculture applications. 1st Workshop on Data Science for GNSS Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2022. posterAbstract
Precision Agriculture (PA) tends to become a contemporary trend nowadays, as agriculture constitutes a really big part of economy with great social impact around the world. Among the advantages of using Precision Agriculture (PA) are the decrease in cost, time and human resources. Aerial remote sensing data processing and interpretation is a modern way of recognizing and classifying vegetation, within high resolution and precision imagery outputs, which can be utilized for further image processing and classification such as in Normalized difference vegetation index NDVI, Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index, MCARI, and Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index, MSAVI. The application of such thematic products may lead to the best decisions for the most prominent ways of interference during the entire cultivation process. Using unmanned aerial systems (UAS), onboard sensors and GNSS for better precision and of course high residual multispectral images with several bands which can give precious information after being post processed, the data acquisition phase has become relatively easy and with the lowest cost, not to mention the frequent update upon request. In this work, we present a multispectral flying platform. The proposed solution is based on a commercial Quantum Trinity F90+ drone equipped with a combination of a high-resolution RGB camera UMC R10C and a multispectral MicaSense RedEdge-MX camera.
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Stavropoulou M, Kotsi E, Kontostavlos G. Laser Scanning methods and techniques for high-detail 3D modelling of caves. In: 10th International Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). Coimbra, Portugal; 2022.
Technical advancements have widened the limits of remote sensing and Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology in studying underground cavities. Furthermore, the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems has proven to be a significant advantage in the study of caves, as under certain circumstances during the data processing, it is plausible to combine TLS and UAS data for generating a complete 3D model, representing surface and subsurface simultaneously. The use of state-of-the-art laser scanning equipment either terrestrial or handheld accompanied by total station measurements on a series of ground control points, has resulted in the scanning and detailed mapping the entire Melissani and Drogarati caves, in Cephalonia Island, in Greece, including hidden cavities. This study attempted not only to delineate a new methodology for compiling a highly detailed cave map, but also to identify structural discontinuities and faults for further investigation of the influence of rock failures in causing rock falls and further damage in the caves. Both show caves attract many visitors and since they are located at an area of very high seismicity, where large earthquakes occur very frequently, the risk is rather high. The methodology is based on the synergy of equipment in different working levels, since the cave environment is by far one of the most difficult cases to survey, led to hazard identification in high detail and accuracy throughout the cavity. The fieldwork includes the generation of a unified point cloud for the underground cavity, generated by scanning at several bases inside the cave and by entering smaller cavities by holding the mobile scanner. The bundling of the partial point clouds is possible since the proposed methodology includes the establishment of a dense network of Ground Control Points, which are measured with Total Station equipment for gaining actual coordinates. After the merging of the partial scans were combined into a single point cloud, the methodology continues with further processing including filtering and noisy points removal. Moreover, the final product is combined with the point cloud that was generated after the photogrammetric processing and the methodology is completed with exporting the results in file formats that can be imported in several geotechnical or discontinuity recognition software for further interpretation. The results along with the produced 3D models could be utilized to determine areas susceptible to different failure types. The assessment of rock stability within a cave by combined innovative equipment, techniques, and research methods could be considered by the management authorities for the maintenance and/or re-design the tourist routes.
Ganas A, Hamiel Y, Serpetsidaki A, Briole P, Valkaniotis S, Fassoulas C, Piatibratova O, Kranis H, Tsironi V, Karamitros I, et al. The Arkalochori Mw = 5.9 Earthquake of 27 September 2021 Inside the Heraklion Basin: A Shallow, Blind Rupture Event Highlighting the Orthogonal Extension of Central Crete. Geosciences [Internet]. 2022;12:220.
A strong, shallow earthquake occurred near Heraklion (Crete, Greece) on 27 September 2021. The earthquake produced significant ground deformation in the vicinity of Arkalochori village but without any evidence for surface ruptures of primary origin. We used geodetic (InSAR and GNSS) data to map motions of the Earth’s surface that occurred during and shortly after the earthquake. A 14 cm subsidence of the GNSS station ARKL and a maximum of 19 cm distance from the SAR satellite were recorded. The measured surface displacements were used to constrain the rupture geometry and slip distribution at depth. Our best-fitting inversion model suggests that the rupture occurred on a 13 km-long planar normal fault striking N195° E dipping 55° to the northwest, with major slip occurring to the east and updip of the hypocentre. The fault tip is located 1.2 km beneath the surface. The maximum coseismic slip occurred in the uppermost crust, in the depth interval of 4–6 km. A decrease in the fault offsets toward the Earth’s surface is likely caused by an increased frictional resistance of the shallow layers to rapid coseismic slip. Satellite observations made in the first month after the earthquake detected no post-seismic deformation (i.e., below one fringe or 2.8 cm). The seismic fault may be identified with the Avli (Lagouta) segment of the NNE-SSW striking, west-dipping, 23 km-long neotectonic Kastelli Fault Zone (KFZ). Part of the rupture occurred along the Kastelli segment, indicating a fault segment linkage and a history of overlapping ruptures along KFZ. Based on geological data and footwall topography we estimate an average slip rate between 0.17–0.26 mm/yr for the KFZ. The Arkalochori earthquake is a paradigm example for the on-going extension of Heraklion basin (central Crete) in the WNW-ESE direction, which is almost orthogonal to the E-W Messara graben and other active faults along the south coast of Crete.
Anifadi A, Sykioti O, Koutroumbas K, Vassilakis E. A Novel Spectral Index for Identifying Ferronickel (Fe–Ni) Laterites from Sentinel 2 Satellite Data. Natural Resources Research [Internet]. 2022.
Field geological mapping is the initial step of preliminary research in mining. However, in the last decades, the rapid progress of remote sensing data processing and its use for reconnaissance of geological outcrops for the purpose of locating possible mining sites gained increasing attention due to the significant time and cost savings. In this study, a new methodology, focused on mapping ferronickel (Fe–Ni) laterite deposits by using Sentinel-2 satellite data, is introduced. It describes a novel spectral index (called laterite spectral index (LSI)) that enhances laterite surface outcrops. To the best of our knowledge, LSI is the first spectral index tailored for this task, concerning minerals that are simultaneously rich in Fe and Ni. The LSI was applied on a continuum removed image by taking advantage of the spectral features present in two specific spectral areas of 490–560 nm and 842–945 nm. The entire methodology was tested and validated on four different excavation sites in eastern Central Greece based on known drillholes. In all excavation sites, the proposed LSI compared favorably with other relative spectral indices proposed in the literature for the detection of Fe-bearing minerals or Fe-oxides.
Dilalos S, Alexopoulos JD, Vassilakis E, Poulos SE. Investigation of the structural control of a deltaic valley with geophysical methods. The case study of Pineios river delta (Thessaly, Greece). Journal of Applied Geophysics [Internet]. 2022:104652.
The current study aims to clarify the structural regime of the deltaic valley of Pineios river (Thessaly, Greece). The structural control of a deltaic area is usually a crucial parameter for its Palaio-geographical evolution and the latter needs to be clear for the contemporary conservation of such a sensitive ecotope environmentally. The investigation of the concealed subsurface tectonic structures was accomplished through the combined interpretation of gravity measurements, VES and TEM soundings. The standard gravity data reduction has been carried out and the residual anomaly was isolated with the contribution of the Fourier filters. The Euler deconvolution has been applied, providing the corresponding depth solutions between 159.8 and 1716.6 m. In the context of the qualitative interpretation, we produced several structural maps (THDR, VDR, Tilt and Theta) in order to enhance the edges of density sources that may reflect fault zones. Severe indications for the delineation of fault zones of the area were provided by these maps. Moreover, 3D density models of the area have been constructed illustrating the subsurface density distribution, up to depths of 3370 m. A main zone of lower densities in the central part of the delta has been revealed, surrounded by three zones of higher densities. Afterwards, the densities of the majority of the existing geological formations were determined with laboratory measurements from geological specimens. Therefore, three geophysical-geological profiles have been constructed, based not only on the gravity modelling but also on the geological interpretation of the geoelectrical layered models from the VES and TEM measurements. In conclusion, concealed and unknown tectonic structures of the Pineios deltaic valley have been identified beneath the surface.
Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Kranis H, Vassilakis E, Kapetanidis V, Spingos I, Kaviris G, Skourtsos E, Voulgaris N, Lekkas E. Inventory of Historical and Recent Earthquake-Triggered Landslides and Assessment of Related Susceptibility by GIS-Based Analytic Hierarchy Process: The Case of Cephalonia (Ionian Islands, Western Greece). Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2022;12(6):2895.
Cephalonia, located in the middle of the central Ionian Islands, has been affected by destructive earthquakes during both the instrumental and the historical period. Despite the fact that it is widely studied from several scientific viewpoints, limited research has been conducted so far regarding the earthquake-triggered landslides (ETL) and the related susceptibility. In the context of the present study, an inventory with 67 ETL from 11 earthquakes that occurred from 1636 to 2014 is presented. Given this record, the study further examines the ETL susceptibility exploiting 10 landslide causal factors in the frame of a GIS-based Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Four factors (i.e., slope, PGA, tectonic structures and lithology) were associated in a higher degree to the locations where ETL occurred on the island. Based on the comparison of the ETL inventory and the landslide susceptibility index (LSI) map, the distribution of ETL in Cephalonia is not random, as their majority (82%) were generated within high to critically high susceptible zones. This fact, along with the AUC values of 80.3%, reveals a fair-to-good accuracy of the landslide susceptibility assessment and indicate that the contribution of the studied variables to the generation of ETL was effectively determined
Vassilakis E, Kaviris G, Kapetanidis V, Papageorgiou E, Foumelis M, Konsolaki A, Petrakis S, Evangelidis CP, Alexopoulos J, Karastathis V, et al. The 27 September 2021 Earthquake in Central Crete (Greece)—Detailed Analysis of the Earthquake Sequence and Indications for Contemporary Arc-Parallel Extension to the Hellenic Arc. Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2022;12(6):2815.
The Arkalochori village in central Crete was hit by a large earthquake (Mw = 6.0) on 27 September 2021, causing casualties, injuries, and severe damage to the infrastructure. Due to the absence of apparent surface rupture and the initial focal mechanism solution of the seismic event, we initiated complementary, multi-disciplinary research by combining seismological and remote sensing data processing, followed by extensive field validation. Detailed geological mapping, fault surface measuring accompanied with tectonic analysis, fault photorealistic model creation by unmanned aerial system data processing, post-seismic surface deformation analysis by DInSAR image interpretation coupled with accurately relocated epicenters recorded by locally established seismographs have been carried out. The combination of the results obtained from these techniques led to the determination of the contemporary tectonic stress regime that caused the earthquake in central Crete, which was found compatible with extensional processes parallel to the Hellenic arc.
Kontostavlos G, Vassilakis E, Triantafyllou M, Konsolaki A. Showcaves: A modern geo-conservation approach utilizing geoethics and heritage management principles through sustainable monitoring technology. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings; 2022.
The complexity of show caves and the problems arising through human interaction with them, require interdisciplinary approaches capable of synthesizing a range of parameters such as knowledge, methods and provided tools to promote geo-ethical thinking and geoscientists contribution for sustainable management. Show caves are tourist/commercial caves which have been accessible to the public with artificial lighting, shaped paths, guided tours, open hours and they are considered as heritage sites. The concept of heritage is a complex idea, controversial and culturally constructed, depending on the personal and collective background and experiences of the members of a society. Heritage is often artificially divided into natural and cultural, but regarding the “show caves” as entities, the boundaries are indistinguishable. Moreover, show caves suffer successive degradation for several interconnected reasons. This work analyzes proposals for compilation of protocols and general management that may involve educational institutes, management agencies, policy makers and stakeholders based on remotely monitored parameters and scientific data collection, for feeding assessment and evaluation tools. The main scope is to arouse a wider dialogue of the interested parts with the aim to form the basis for the creation of a European legislation for protecting these sensitive but also complex environments through geo-conservation and geo-ethics approaches.
Mavroulis S, Kranis H, Lozios S, Argyropoulos I, Vassilakis E, Soukis K, Skourtsos E, Lekkas E, Carydis P. The impact of the September 27, 2021, Mw=6.0 Arkalochori (Central Crete, Greece) earthquake on the natural environment and the building stock. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings; 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract
On September 27, 2021, an Mw=6.0 earthquake struck the central part of Crete Island (southern Greece) and in particular the Heraklion Region. This event was preceded by an extended foreshock sequence started on early July 2021 and it was followed by an Mw=5.3 aftershock on the following day. Taking into account the spatial distribution of foreshocks and aftershocks and the focal mechanism of mainshock as well as the active faults of the earthquake-affected area, it is evident that the seismic activity is strongly related to the NNE-SSW striking W-dipping faults of the Kasteli fault zone located along the eastern margin of the Neogene to Quaternary Heraklion Basin. The latter has been filled with Miocene to Holocene post-alpine deposits. A field reconnaissance conducted by the authors in the earthquake-affected area shortly after the mainshock revealed that the earthquake-triggered effects comprised mainly rockfalls and slides, as well as ground cracks within or close to landslide zones. These effects were located within the hanging-wall of the KFZ. The affected sites are mainly composed of Miocene deposits and they are characterized by pre-existing instability conditions and high susceptibility to landslides. Far field effects were also observed south of the earthquake-affected area and in particular in the southern coastal part of Heraklion Region. In regards to the spatial distribution of the earthquake-induced building damage, the vast majority was caused in villages and towns founded on Miocene and Holocene deposits of the hanging-wall. Damage was not reported in settlements located in the footwall, which is composed of alpine formations. The dominant building types of the earthquake-affected area comprise: (i) buildings with load-bearing masonry walls made of stones and bricks with clay or lime mortar, mainly constructed without any anti-seismic provisions and (ii) buildings with reinforced-concrete frame and infill walls constructed according to the applicable seismic codes. The former suffered the most severe structural damage including partial or total collapse in many villages founded on post-alpine deposits of the hanging-wall of KFZ. The latter responded satisfactory during the mainshock and were less affected with only non-structural damage including cracking, detachment of infill walls from the surrounding reinforced concrete frame, peeling of concrete and short-column failures. From the abovementioned, it is concluded that the impact of the 2021 Arkalochori earthquake was limited to the hanging-wall of the causative fault zone and in particular to residential areas founded on post-alpine deposits and to slopes highly susceptible to failure within the Heraklion Basin.
Diakakis M, Vassilakis E, Mavroulis S, Konsolaki A, Kaviris G, Kotsi E, Kapetanidis V, Sakkas V, Alexopoulos J, Lekkas E, et al. An integrated UAS and TLS approach for monitoring coastal scarps and mass movement phenomena. The case of Ionian Islands. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings; 2022.
Mediterranean tectonically-active coastal areas are a highly-dynamic environment balancing internal tectonic dynamics with external geomorphic processes, as well as manmade influences. Especially in touristic areas characterized by high built-up pressure and land value, where these dynamics are even more concentrated, the evolution of coastal environments needs careful and high-resolution study to identify localized risk and the processes they derive from.Recently, new advanced remote sensing techniques such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)- and Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS)-aided monitoring have improved our capabilities in understanding the natural processes and the geomorphic risks (i.e. mass movement phenomena).An integrated study comprising Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) sensors was conducted in coastal areas of the southern Ionian Islands (Western Greece) aiming to the mitigation of earthquake-triggered landslide risk and to responsible coastal development. Located at the northwesternmost part of the Hellenic Arc, this area is characterized by high seismicity and has been affected by destructive earthquakes mainly due to the Cephalonia Transform Fault Zone (CTFZ), which constitutes one of the most seismic active structures in the Eastern Mediterranean region. One of the most common environmental effect triggered by these earthquakes are landslides distributed along fault scarps in developed and highly visited coastal areas. Furthermore, this area is highly susceptible to hydrometeorological hazards inducing intense geomorphic processes, including Medicanes among others.These technologies allow a highly-detailed view of landslide processes, providing insights on the structures and factors controlling and triggering failures along coastal scarps as well as highlighting susceptible zones and high-risk areas with accuracy and mitigating adverse effects with precision and clarity. Overall, by providing a better understanding of the risks the approach used allows a more sustainable development of these coastal segments enhanced by risk mitigation.The study was conducted in the framework of the project “Telemachus - Innovative Operational Seismic Risk Management System of the Ionian Islands”, co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) in Priority Axis “Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development” of the Operational Programme “Ionian Islands 2014–2020”.
Sakkas V, Kapetanidis V, Kaviris G, Spingos I, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Alexopoulos JD, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Kassaras I, Vassilakis E, et al. Seismological and Ground Deformation Study of the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) during 2014–2018, a Period of Intense Seismic Activity. Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2022;12(5):2331.
Seismicity in the Ionian Sea (W. Greece) is mainly generated along the Cephalonia–Lefkada Transform Fault Zone (CLTFZ) in the central Ionian, and on the northwestern termination of the Hellenic subduction margin in the south. Joint pre-, co- and post-seismic ground deformation and seismological analysis is performed at the broad Ionian area, aiming to homogeneously study the spatiotemporal evolution of the activity prior to and after the occurrence of strong (M > 6) earthquakes during the period of 2014–2018. The 2014 Cephalonia earthquakes (Mw6.1 and Mw5.9) were generated on a faulting system adjacent to CLTFZ, causing local ground deformation. The post-seismic sequence is coupled in space and time with the 2015 Lefkada earthquake (Mw6.4), which occurred on the Lefkada segment of the CLTFZ. Co-seismic displacement was recorded in the broader area. Seismicity was concentrated along the CLTFZ, while its temporal evolution lasted for several months. The 2018 Zakynthos earthquake (Mw6.7) caused regional deformation and alterations on the near-velocity field, with the seismicity rate remaining above background levels until the end of 2021. In the northern Ionian, convergence between the Apulian platform and the Hellenic foreland occurs, exhibiting low seismicity. Seismic hazard assessment revealed high PGA and PGV expected values in the central Ionian.
Mavroulis S, Vassilakis E, Diakakis M, Konsolaki A, Kaviris G, Kotsi E, Kapetanidis V, Sakkas V, Alexopoulos JD, Lekkas E, et al. The Use of Innovative Techniques for Management of High-Risk Coastal Areas, Mitigation of Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Risk and Responsible Coastal Development. Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2022;12(4):2193.
Coastal areas constitute a very dynamic environment, balancing between numerous natural and anthropogenic processes liable to sometimes hazardous geomorphic phenomena. Especially in tectonically active coastal regions and areas of high economic value, slope failures can have significant impacts and therefore need careful and detailed examination. This work uses Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-aided photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in tectonically active segments of the coastal zone of the Ionian Islands in Greece, to explore how their capabilities can help to improve our understanding of the structural integrity of the slopes. Results show that the two approaches are able to extract large numbers of discontinuity facets, in a more practical, rapid and safe way than conventional methods of rock slope stability analysis extending to unreachable yet important parts of the slope. Through this holistic record of the structural condition of the slope the two applications allow the identification of segments that are more prone to instability and failure. In this way, they improve our understanding of the prioritization of interventions aiming to enhance the prevention of slope failures, mitigating the associated risk and improving local development in these high-value locations.
Spyrou E, Triantaphyllou MV, Tsourou T, Vassilakis E, Asimakopoulos C, Konsolaki A, Markakis D, Marketou-Galari D, Skentos A. Assessment of Geological Heritage Sites and Their Significance for Geotouristic Exploitation: The Case of Lefkas, Meganisi, Kefalonia and Ithaki Islands, Ionian Sea, Greece. Geosciences [Internet]. 2022;12(2):55.
Geological heritage or geoheritage refers to the total of geosites, i.e., areas of high geological interest in a given area. Geosites have a high potential of attracting geotourists, thus contributing to the development of the local economy. Assessing sites of geological interest can contribute to their promotion, as well as their preservation and protection. Greece’s geotectonic position in the convergent zone between the African and Eurasian plates has contributed to the existence of a considerable wealth of geosites, with the particularly active geotectonic region of the Ionian Sea characterized as a geoheritage hotspot. The purpose of this study is the selection of several such sites from the islands of Lefkas, Meganisi, Kefalonia and Ithaki and their assessment regarding their scientific, environmental, cultural, economic and aesthetic value. The most representative sites for the individual disciplines of geology (e.g., geomorphology, tectonics, stratigraphy and palaeontology) have been chosen, mapped and assessed, while indicative georoutes are proposed, which could aid the island’s geotouristic promotion to geologist and non-geologist future visitors.
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A. Quantification of cave geomorphological characteristics based on multi source point cloud data interoperability. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie [Internet]. 2022;63(2-3):265-277.
Structure-from-motion photogrammetric processing and laser scanning technology have given us more tools to study environments such as caves with their complex and unique morphology. In this case study, we combine two innovative techniques to generate the complete 3D model of a show cave (Koutouki, Peania Greece) and calculate the rock thickness between the cave and the open surface. We used a Handheld Laser Scanner (HLS) for acquiring points with coordinate information covering the entire cave and an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for acquiring data covering the open-air surface above the cave. The absolute and exact placement of the point cloud within a geographic reference frame allow the three-dimensional measurements and detailed visualization of the subsurface structures. By processing of the multi-source data (UAS and HLS) we managed to make a quantitative analysis of the terrain. After a series of processing steps and analyses we managed to calculate with high accuracy several dimension such as the cavity vacuum, the speleothem volume, the elevation differences across the entire cave etc. The final product is a high-resolution information layer with measurements of the rock thickness between the roof of the underground karstic landform and the open-surface topography.