Publications by Year: 2007

Spyridis C, Georgaki A, Kouroupetroglou G, Anagnostopoulou C. SMC’07. 2007.
Lemi E, Georgaki A, Whitney J. Reviewing the transformation of sound to image in new computer music software. In: Proceedings of the 4th Sound and Music Computing Conference. ; 2007.Abstract
In the following essay we are going to analyse therelationship between sound and image in computermusic. We will be examining sound visualisationsoftware, and its evolution over the thirty-five yeartimespan in which it has existed. How we judge software,is based on aesthetic criteria, the way they were handeddown to us from theories of abstract painting (20thcentury avant-garde) , the theory of montage by SergeiEisenstein, of neurophysiology (synesthesia, muscularimages) and of the successful correspondence of thetwo media (pixel and music) in the works and theoryof James Whitney.
Kyritsi V, Georgaki A, Kouroupetroglou G. A Score-to-singing voice synthesis System for the Greek Language. In: ICMC. ; 2007. 30_2007_kyritsikouroupetroglougeorgaki_a_score_to_singing_icmc07.pdf