Publications by Year: 2010

Latsas GP, Tigelis IG, Moraitou MD, Kern S, Vomvoridis JL, Ioannidis ZC. Parametric study on the effect of the dielectric and geometry properties on the parasitics in gyrotron beam tunnels. In: IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide. ; 2010. Website
Ioannidis ZC, Avramides KA, Kern S, Latsas GP, Tigelis IG. The contribution of higher-order spatial harmonics in eigenvalues and ohmic losses calculations in coaxial corrugated cavities. In: IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide. ; 2010. Website
Schlaich A, Flamm J, Gantenbein G, Kern S, Latsas G, Rzesnicki T, Samartsev A, Thumm M, Tigelis I. 2.4: Investigations on parasitic oscillations in megawatt gyrotrons. In: 2010 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2010. ; 2010. pp. 33-34. Website
Latsas GP, Moraitou MD, Ioannidis ZC, Tigelis IG. Calculations on the beam-wave interactions in coaxial gyrotron beam tunnels. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science [Internet]. 2010;38:1185-1192. Website
Gantenbein G, Dammertz G, Flamm J, Illy S, Kern S, Latsas G, Piosczyk B, Rzesnicki T, Samartsev A, Schlaich A, et al. Experimental investigations and analysis of parasitic RF oscillations in high-power gyrotrons. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science [Internet]. 2010;38:1168-1177. Website