Publications by Year: 2003

Kassaras I, Makropoulos K, Papadimitriou P, Pedersen H, Hatzfeld D. Upper mantle structure of the Aegean area (Greece) - Phase velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves over multiple paths. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003; 2003. 90_abstract_20.pdf
Kassaras I, Makropoulos K, Papadimitriou P, Pedersen H, Hatzfeld D. Shear wave upper mantle structure of the Aegean area (Greece) from the inversion of Rayleigh waves phase velocities. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003; 2003. 91_abstract_21.pdf
Voulgaris N, Kassaras I, Makropoulos K. On the geodynamics and subduction of the Aegean region (Greece) derived from long period surface waves and other seismological data. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003: European Geophysical Society; 2003. 92_abstract_22.pdf
Kassaras I, Makropoulos K. Upper mantle structure of the Aegean (Greece) derived from phase velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves. In: The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives, (SAAVA2003), International Conference. Milos Isl., Greece, 17-20 September 2003; 2003. 93_abstract_23.pdf
Kolaitis A, Kassaras I, Makropoulos K. Preliminary analysis of seismic observations with broadband instruments at Thira Volcano (Greece). In: The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives (SAAVA2003), International Conference. Milos Isl., Greece, 17-20 September 2003; 2003. 94_abstract_24.pdf