Georgakilas KN, Anastasopoulos MP, Tzanakaki A, Zervas G, Simeonidou D.
Planning of converged optical wireless network and DC infrastructures in support of mobile cloud services. In: Vol. 2013. ; 2013. pp. 300 - 302.
Website Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos MP, Georgakilas KN.
Dynamic virtual optical networks supporting uncertain traffic demands [invited]. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking [Internet]. 2013;5(10):A76 - A85.
Website Anastasopoulos MP, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D.
Stochastic planning of dependable virtual infrastructures over optical datacenter networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking [Internet]. 2013;5(9):968 - 979.
Website Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Zervas GS, Rofoee BR, Nejabati R, Simeonidou D.
Virtualization of heterogeneous wireless-optical network and IT infrastructures in support of cloud and mobile cloud services. IEEE Communications Magazine [Internet]. 2013;51(8):155 - 161.