On the dilemma of fractal or fractional kinetics in drug release studies: A comparison between Weibull and Mittag-Leffler functions


Kosmidis K, Macheras P. On the dilemma of fractal or fractional kinetics in drug release studies: A comparison between Weibull and Mittag-Leffler functions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. 2018;543:269-273.


We compare two of the most successful models for the description and analysis of drug release data. The fractal kinetics approach leading to release profiles described by a Weibull function and the fractional kinetics approach leading to release profiles described by a Mittag-Leffler function. We used Monte Carlo simulations to generate artificial release data from euclidean and fractal substrates. We have also used real release data from the literature and found that both models are capable in describing release data up to roughly 85% of the release. For larger times both models systematically overestimate the number of particles remaining in the release device.