02. University Project for IATE in collaboration with TermCoord: "health policies"

The aim of this project was two-fold; to initiate MA students to professional terminology work and to contribute to the IATE termbase with well-documented and reliable terms following the high terminology standards of IATE. For this purpose, TermCoord provided to us around 70 selected terms in English within the field of health policies as well as access to the internal IATE interface. For each term, members of the team had to contribute a solid definition, context and reliable resources in both German and Italian. After validation the provided German and Italian terms are imported into the IATE termbase.
The Innsbruck University project on “health policies” was carried out by MA students in the winter term 2019/2020 during their second year of their studies at the Department of Translation Studies. The project was part of a course in terminography and gave the students insights and experience into real-life terminology work as well as knowledge of the IATE internal processes.



September, 2019 to February, 2020




Project Manager