
Koliopoulou M. Komposition und Komposita kontrastiv: eine kreative "Salatmischung". Lexis. Athener Zeitschrift für Germanistik [Internet]. 2023;4. Publisher's Version
Vasilogamvrakis N, Sfakakis M, Giannoulopoulou G, Koliopoulou M. Ontological modeling of morphological entities, allomorphy and representation in Modern Greek derivation. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology. DeriMo 2023. 2023:71-80.
Koliopoulou M. Thesauri and ontologies: What is their relationship?. ASIALEX 2023, The Asian Association for Lexicography, “Artificial Intelligence and Dictionary Users”. 2023:143-148.
Koliopoulou M, Ten Hacken P. La conception d’une terminologie œnologique en grec. Le vin et ses émules: Discours œnologiques et gastronomiques. 2022;1:471.
Vasilogamvrakis N, Koliopoulou M, Sfakakis M, Giannoulopoulou G. Testing the Word-Based Model in the Ontological Analysis of Modern Greek Derivational Morphology. European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. 2022:572-584.
Koliopoulou M. Term formation under the prism of linguistic purism: Borrowings in German and Greek. International Journal of Lexicography. 2020;33(2):203-217.
Georgiafentis M, Giannoulopoulou G, Koliopoulou M, Tsokoglou A. Contrastive Studies in Morphology and Syntax. Bloomsbury Publishing; 2020.
Ten Hacken P, Koliopoulou M. Dictionaries, neologisms, and linguistic purism. International Journal of Lexicography. 2020;33(2):127-134.
Koliopoulou M. Linking elements in German compounds: A morphological analysis in comparison with Greek. In: Contrastive Studies in Morphology and Syntax (Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics). Bloomsbury Publishing; 2020. pp. 102-118.
Koliopoulou M. Secondary term formation strategies in German and Greek: a first contrastive approach. Terminologica. TOTh 2018 Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications. 2020:51-62.
Koliopoulou M. Compounds and multi-word expressions in Greek. In: Complex lexical units: compounds and multi-word expressions. De Gruyter; 2019. pp. 221-249.
Koliopoulou M. What can word formation offer to translation practice? A case study of German compounds and their English equivalents. In: Übersetzen und Dolmetschen: Berufsbilder. Arbeitsfelder, Ausbildung. Ein- und Ausblicke in ein sich wandelndes Berufsfeld der Zukunft. 70 Jahre Innsbrucker Institut für Translationswissenschaft . Peter Lang; 2017. pp. 117-136.
Koliopoulou M, Ten Hacken P. Adjectival non-heads and the limits of compounding. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics . 2016;13(2):122-139.
Ten Hacken P, Koliopoulou M. Adjectival non-heads and the limits of compounding. Typology and Universals in Word Formation III conference, Košice. 2015:26-28.
Koliopoulou M. Possessive/bahuvrīhi compounds in German: An analysis based on comparable compounds in Modern Greek. Languages in Contrast. 2015;15(1):81-101.
Ten Hacken P, Koliopoulou M. Three types of terminology in chess. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Hellenic Language and Terminology. 2015:63-75.
Koliopoulou M, Markopoulos T, Pantelidis N. Πόντος, Καππαδοκία, Αϊβαλί: προκλήσεις ενός ψηφιακού σώματος γραπτών κειμένων [Pontus, Cappadocia, Aivali: Challenges of a written corpus database]. Selected Papers of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. 2015:750-759.
Koliopoulou M. How close to syntax are compounds? Evidence from the linking element in German and Modern Greek compounds. Rivista di Linguistica. 2014;26(2):51-70.
Koliopoulou M. Issues of Modern Greek and German compounding: a contrastive approach. Journal of Greek Linguistics. 2014;14(1):117-125.
Koliopoulou M, Leuschner T. Einleitung: Perspektiven der kontrastiven Linguistik. Germanistische Mitteilungen. 2014;40(1):5-14.
Koliopoulou M. Komposition im Deutschen und Neugriechischen: eine kontrastive morphologische Analyse. In: Sprachen und Kulturen in (Inter)Aktion. 2. Teil- Linguistik, Didaktik, Translationswissenschaft. Peter Lang; 2014. pp. 43-56.
Koliopoulou M. Οι σύνθετες λέξεις στο ιδίωμα της Καλύμνου: σύντομη γλωσσολογική περιγραφή. In: Καλυμνιακά Χρονικά . Vol. 20. ; 2014. pp. 405-416.
Koliopoulou M. Μεταξύ συνθέτων και φράσεων ('In between compounds and phrases'). Selected papers of the 10th ICGL. 2012:861-69.
Koliopoulou M. The linking element in German compounds. In: 2nd International Conference of Graduate Students in Linguistics (PICGL2). University of Patras: University of Patras; 2011. pp. 95-104.
Andreou M, Koliopoulou M. Η σύνθεση στην κυπριακή και καλύμνικη διάλεκτο: μια πρώτη συγκριτική προσέγγιση [Compounding in Cypriot and Kalymniot: a first comparative approach]. Neoelliniki Dialectologia. 2011;6:7-29.
Koliopoulou M. Η σύνθεση στο ιδίωμα των Μεγάρων [Compounding in the dialect of Megara]. Patras Working Papers in Linguistics. 2011;2:78-95.
Koliopoulou M. Φαινόμενα (απο)ηχηροποίησης στα γερμανικά και ολλανδικά: Συγκριτική μελέτη υπό το πρίσμα της θεωρίας του βέλτιστου. In: 12 Κείμενα για τη γλωσσολογία. Κονδύλι; 2011. pp. 93-107.
Koliopoulou M. Περιγραφή και ανάλυση των χαλαρών πολυλεκτικών συνθέτων της Νέας Ελληνικής (Description and analysis of the loose multi-word compounds of Modern Greek). Description and analysis of Multi-word Compounds in Modern Greek]. MA thesis. Department of Philology: University of Patras. 2006.