Caragiozidis M, Mouratidis N, Kavadias C, Loupis M, Berger M.
Design methodology for a modular component based software architecture. In: IEEE; 2008. pp. 1122 - 1127.
Berger MS, Dittmann L, Caragiozidis M, Mouratidis N, Kavadias C, Loupis M.
A component-based software architecture: Reconfigurable software for ambient intelligent networked services environments. In: 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. ICSOFT 2008; 2008. pp. 174–179.
Caragiozidis M, Mouratidis N, Kavadias C, Loupis M, Berger M.
Design methodology for a modular component based software architecture. In: 2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference. IEEE; 2008. pp. 1122–1127.