
02. University Project for IATE in collaboration with TermCoord: "health policies"

The aim of this project was two-fold; to initiate MA students to professional terminology work and to contribute to the IATE termbase with well-documented and reliable terms following the high terminology standards of IATE. For this purpose, TermCoord provided to us around 70 selected terms in English within the field of health policies as well as access to the internal IATE interface. For each term, members of the team had to contribute a solid definition, context and reliable resources in both German and Italian.

03. University Project for IATE in collaboration with TermCoord: "smart cities"

The aim of this project was two-fold; to initiate MA students to professional terminology work and to contribute to the IATE termbase with well-documented and reliable terms following the high terminology standards of IATE. For this purpose, TermCoord provided to us around 30 selected terms in English within the field of smart cities as well as access to the internal IATE interface. For each term, members of the team had to contribute a solid definition, context and reliable resources in Italian. After validation the provided Italian terms are imported into the IATE termbase.

04. „Erfassung von semantischen Beziehungen in einer Terminologiedatenbank“ [Acquisition of semantic relations in a term base]

Die Innsbrucker Terminologiedatenbank ist eine Sammlung von Glossaren, die im Rahmen vom Diplom- und Masterarbeiten von Studierenden der Translationswissenschaft zusammengetragen wurden. Unter der Leitung von Prof. Pius ten Hacken und Dr. Maria Koliopoulou startet jetzt ein Forschungsprojekt, das sich mit der Erfassung von semantischen Beziehungen auf Basis des in Definitionen und Beispielen vorhandenen Wissens befasst. Das Projekt wird durch einen Beitrag des Programms "Digitalisierung und Informationsaufbereitung für die Digital Humanities" (DI4DH) finanziell unterstützt.

08. The dialect of Kalymnos: Data selection

Development of a dialectal database analyzing compounds: data from the dialect of Kalymnos, University of Patras, Laboratory of Modern Greek Dialects; Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Angela Ralli

09. Designing a dialectal database

Digitization and archiving of dialectal material - designing a dialectal database, University of Patras, Laboratory of Modern Greek Dialects; Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Angela Ralli


Επί την ευκαιρία της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας της Γυναίκας, η Επιτροπή Γυναικείων Θεμάτων & Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων του Θ117Α, της Διεθνούς Οργάνωσης των LIONS, διοργανώνει για πρώτη φορά, Γυναικείο Συμπόσιο , την Κυριακή 17 Μαρτίου 2019, στο Ξενοδοχείο Caravel, από τις 9.30π.μ. έως τις 8.00μ.μ.

11. MorBoComb

MorboComp is a large database of compounds developed at the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Bologna. The aim of the project is to study compounding of a given language, of a given family (e.g. romance, slavic, etc.) and compounding in general from a typological perspective.