Kouvidi K, Berdiaki A, Nikitovic D, Katonis P, Afratis N, Hascall VC, Karamanos NK, Tzanakakis GN.
Role of receptor for hyaluronic acid-mediated motility (RHAMM) in low molecular weight hyaluronan (LMWHA)-mediated fibrosarcoma cell adhesion. J Biol ChemJ Biol Chem. 2011;286:38509-38520.
AbstractHyaluronan (HA) modulates key cancer cell functions through interaction with its CD44 and receptor for hyaluronic acid-mediated motility (RHAMM) receptors. HA was recently found to regulate the migration of fibrosarcoma cells in a manner specifically dependent on its size. Here, we investigated the effect of HA/RHAMM signaling on the ability of HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells to adhere onto fibronectin. Low molecular weight HA (LMWHA) significantly increased (p
Krevvata MI, Afratis N, Spiliopoulou A, Malavaki CJ, Kolonitsiou F, Anastassiou E, Karamanos NK.
A modified protocol for isolation and purity evaluation of a staphylococcal acidic polysaccharide by chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. Biomed ChromatogrBiomed Chromatogr. 2011;25:531-4.
AbstractThe extracellular slime of Staphylococcus epidermidis contains, amongst various macromolecules, an acidic polysaccharide (PS) of a molecular mass of 20 kDa with significant antigenic and biological properties. The isolation procedure used so far includes multiple fractionations in anion-exchange chromatographic columns before its final purification by gel filtration chromatography. This protocol is laborious, time-consuming and includes the risk of unnecessary loss of PS quantities. Because of the significance of this PS, a modified protocol resulting in an easier and quicker isolation procedure was developed. Furthermore, identification, purity, charge density and molecular integrity of the isolated polysaccharide were evaluated by a reverse-polarity capillary electrophoresis method.