Group Members

PhD students

  • Maria Tsetsoni  (2024-present)

project: Fabrication of lab-made analytical devices suitable for chemical sensing

  • Leonidas Papagiannakopoulos (2023-present)

project: Synthesis and development of lab-made 3D printed sensors for chemical analysis

  • Eleni Koukouviti (2021-present)

project: Development of 3D-printed biosensors
(Publications: 1) Analytica Chimica Acta,  1186 (2021) 339114, 2) Biosensors 2022, 12(12), 1156, 3) Analytical Chemistry 95 (2023) 6765-6768, 4) Microchimica Acta 190 (2023) 274, 5) Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 2402094)

  • Vasiliki Katseli (2019-2023)
project: Construction and implementation of 3D-printed devices for electroanalysis
(Publications: 1) Analytical Chemistry, 2021,  93, 7, 3331–3336, 2) Sensors and Actuators B, 308 (2020) 127715, 3) Talanta 208 (2020) 120388, 4) Electrochemistry Communications, 103 (2019) 100–103,  5) Advanced Functional Materials,2021, 31, 2102459, 6) Sensors 2021, 21(14), 4753, 7) Molecules 2023, 28(14), 5539)

M.Sc students

  • Sofia Zachariou (2024-2025)

project: Lab-made  3D printed sensors for the determination of neurochemicals

  • Irene Volioti (2024-2025)

project: Lab-made  3D printed sensors for the determination of sex-hormones

  • Tsolakis Loizos (2024-2025)

project: 3D printable electrochemical filament with integrated CuO for the determination of bioindicators

  • Vasiliki Polyzopoulou (2023-2024)

project: Lab-made nano-doped 3D printed sensors for the determination of biomarkers

  • Dimitra Mpasi (2022-2023)

project: 3D printed electrochemical devices for the determination of explosives

  • Theodora Dimogeroda (2022-2023)

project: 3D printed electrochemical sensors for the determination of food dyes

  • Maria Mertiri (2021-2022)

project: 3D printed devices modified with sparked generated nanoparticles for electrochemical sensing
(Publications: Chemosensors 2023, 11, 475., Applied Materials Today 39 (2024) 102289 )

  • Maria Marosi (2021-2022)

project: 3D printed sensors  for the electrochemical determination of CBD, CBG and CBDA, CBGA

  • Foteini Vasileiou (2020-2021)

project: Development of MOF-based electrochemical sensor for glucose monitoring in sweat (Publication: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 917 (2022) 116393)

  • Electra Mermiga (2020-2021)

project: 3D-printed sensor for the determination of phenolic content of extra virgin oils

  • Vasiliki Gourgioti (2019-2020)

project: 3D-printed eppendorf device for the on-site electrochemical screening of authentication of extra virgin oils (patent: GR20210100167A)

  • Dimitrios Livas (2018-2019)

project: Development of electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of adulteration of goat cheese with bovine cheese 
(PublicationSensors and Actuators B, 334 (2021) 129614)

Upgraduate students

  • Eleni Sorkoy (2023-204)

project:  3D-printable filament for  the  determination of creatinine

  • Maria Kartsakli and Maria Marakomichelaki  (2023)

project:  3D-printable filament for  the voltammetric determination of trace metals

  •  Christina-Eleni Koulopoulou and Nektarios Anastasiou (2022)

  3D-printed biosensor for the enzymatic determiantion of ethanol in wines

  • Giorgios Michail and Maria Filopoulou (2021)

project: A 3D-printed chip for the electrochemical determiantion of Colchicina (PublicationMolecules 2023, 28(14), 5539)

  •  Katerina Ragazou and Rallis Lougkovois (2020)

project: Voltammetric determiantion of Quatiapine in biological sample using a 3D-printed device
(PublicationSensors 2021, 21(14), 4753)

  • Georgia Poulladofonou and Christoforos Freris (2019-2020)

project: 3D-printed electrochemical finger for the determination of sedation drugs in beverages (Patent: GR20210100166A, Publication: Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94, 9, 4087–4094)

  • Heleni Panagopoulou and Anastasia Valtima (2019)

    project: 3D-printed devices for electrochemical determination of heavy metals 
    (Publication: Analytica Chimica Acta,  1159 (2021) 338426)
  • Evaggelia Vlachou (2018-2019)

project: Determination of heavy metals using MOF-based electrodes 
(PublicationSensors 2020, 20(16), 4442)

Post Doc

  • Michailia Angelopoulou (2020-2021)

project:  3D-printed devices for electrochemical biosensing 
(Publications: 1) Sensors and Actuators B, 334 (2021) 129614, 2)  Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2102459)