Daily fluctuations in perfectionism dimensions and their relation to eating disorder symptoms


Boone, L., Soenens, B., Mouratidis, A., Vansteenkiste, M., Verstuyf, J., & Braet, C. (2012). Daily fluctuations in perfectionism dimensions and their relation to eating disorder symptoms. Journal of Research in PersonalityJournal of Research in Personality, 46, 678-687. presented at the 2012.


ORCID Reference type: [bibtex]; ORCID Reference: [@article { mouratidis2012,title = {Daily fluctuations in perfectionism dimensions and their relation to eating disorder symptoms},journal = {Journal of Research in Personality},year = {2012},volume = {46},number = {6},pages = {678-687},author = {Boone, L. and Soenens, B. and Mouratidis, A. and Vansteenkiste, M. and Verstuyf, J. and Braet, C.}}]