Zeibekis M, Zhang SJ, Stamopoulos D. Superconducting thermomagnetic instabilities tuned through electric-field-controlled strain in Nb/PMN-PT/Nb hybrids. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2018;544:33 - 39.
Electric-field-controlled piezoelectric strain has been used, recently, to modify the superconducting properties in a new class of piezoelectric/superconducting (PE/SC) hybrids. Here, we investigate the appearance of thermomagnetic instabilities (TMIs) and the respective modification of the critical current density (J(C)) through the application of electric field (E-ex) in PE/SC hybrids. Specifically, the SC nanolayers are Nb (thickness, d(SC) = 20 nm) deposited on both surfaces of PE macroscopic crystals of (1-x)Pb(Mg-1/3 Nb-2/3)O-3-xPbTiO(3) (PMN-PT) with optimum composition x = 0.31 (thickness, d(PE) = 0.5-0.8 mm). The appearance of TMIs and the modification of J(C) by E-ex is studied for two PMN-PT crystals of drastically different surface roughness (Sa). In the case of the PMN-PT crystal with low Sa (on the order of a few tenths of nm) TMIs are absent so that J(C) does not change under the variation of E-ex. On the contrary, in the case of the PMN-PT crystal with high Sa (on the order of a few hundreds of nm) E-ex induces TMIs in the Nb nanolayers. Specifically, the number of TMIs exhibits a non-monotonic increase on E-ex, thus causing a non-monotonic degradation of J(C). These experimental data are interpreted in terms of the variation of both volume strain and surface roughness on E-ex. This work highlights practical means to control the current-carrying capability of SC nanolayers through strain provided by PE substrates. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.