Το Ρόδι: το περιοδικό για παιδιά (1977-1982): Συνεργάτες, αναγνώστες, ύλη


Παναγιωτίδου, Δ. - Α., Γαλανάκη, Ε., & Μαλαφάντης, Κ. Δ. (2022). Το Ρόδι: το περιοδικό για παιδιά (1977-1982): Συνεργάτες, αναγνώστες, ύλη. Παιδαγωγική Επιθεώρηση, 39(74), 100-117.


The Pomegranate: the magazine for children (To Rodi: to periodiko gia paidia) is a milestone in the history of Greek magazines for children and adolescents. Surprisingly, to date only two studies have been devoted to this issue. Therefore, the present article aims to present a detailed analysis of the first edition of this magazine (1977-1982) and to offer a critical approach and interpretation of its beneficial effect and its large impact on children and adolescents. More specifically, the present article focuses on the magazine’s main features, contributors, readers, and material. The magazin’s columns were systematically designed to create opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills as well as for creativity, communication and interaction with peers, and entertainment. Many recognized and young writers and illustrators as well as remarkable literary works and works of art came to the fore. The magazine undoubtedly promoted children’s and adolescents’ cognitive, moral, socioemotional, and psychosexual development. To Rodi has left an indelible mark on its readers and is undoubtedly part of the historical line and the genealogy of Greek quality magazines for children and adolescents.

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