
In the light of recent scholarly work on tragic patterns and allusions in
Flavian epic, the publication of a volume exclusively dedicated to the
relationship between Flavian epic and tragedy is timely. The volume,
concentrating on the poetic works of Silius Italicus, Statius and Valerius
Flaccus, consists of eight original contributions, two by the editors
themselves and a further six by experts on Flavian epic. The volume is
preceded by an introduction by the editors and it concludes with an
‘Afterword’ by Carole E. Newlands.
Among key themes analysed are narrative patterns, strategies or type-scenes
that appear to derive from tragedy, the Aristotelian notions of hamartia and
anagnorisis, human and divine causation, the ‘transfer’ of individual
characters from tragedy to epic, as well as instances of tragic language and
The volume at hand showcases an array of methodological approaches to the
question of the presence of tragic elements in epic. Hence, it will be of
interest to scholars and students in the area of Classics or Literary Studies
focusing on such intergeneric and intertextual connections; it will be also of
interest to scholars working on Flavian epic or on the ancient reception of
Greek and Roman tragedy.