Ioannis Andreadelis

September 2012 B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece
May 2014 Msc Organic Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece
June 2014 Phd student Organic Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece
01/2014-08/2014 Chemistry teacher at Praxis and Prooptiki private school
12/2015- today Lab Supervisor at Sotiropoulou-Makri pharmacy
T.F. Kellici, M.V. Chatziathanasiadou, D. Diamantis, A.V. Chatzikonstantinou, I. Andreadelis, E. Christodoulou, G. Valsami, T. Mavromoustakos, A.G. Tzakos, Mapping the interactions and bioactivity of quercetin-(2-hydroxypropyl)-beta-cyclodextrin complex, International journal of pharmaceutics, 511 (2016) 303-311
Phospholipases A2 inhibitors: Developing a drug pipeline for the treatment of inflammatory neurological disorders
2012 10ο Hellenic Conference of Clinical Chemistry 19-20/10/2012
2013 Chemistry and research challenges (Greek National Research Institute