Katerina Koukoulitsa

Dr. Catherine Koukoulitsa
2014: Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
Thesis title: “In silico rational design of new compounds against Alzheimer's and Parkinson diseases”
2007-2008 Postdoc. National Hellenic Research Foundation, Laboratory of Molecular Analysis
2006: Ph.D. Department of Pharmacognosy & Chemistry of Natural Products, School of Pharmacy,University of Athens
Thesis title: “Section I. Isolation and identification of secondary metabolites from Centaurea zuccariniana DC. and Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum. Biolocical tests in vitro. Section II. Molecular Modeling: application on the isolated compounds”
2003: M.Sc. Department of Pharmacognosy & Chemistry of Natural Products, School of Pharmacy,University of Athens
Thesis tile: “Isolation and identification of secondary metabolites from Centaurea zuccariniana DC. Evaluation of cytotoxic/cytostatic activity in vitro. Prediction of pharmacokinetic properties of sesquiterpene lactones using computational tools”.
1998: B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Studies, Perugia, Ιtaly.
Thesis title: “Chemometric strategies in chemistry”.
2004 Docking studies using the GRID-GLUE procedure, Prediction of P450 mediated drug metabolism using Molecular Interaction Fields (MIF), Laboratory of Chemometrics & Chemoinformatics, University of Perugia, Italy.
2002 Prediction of e-ADME properties using the VolSurf procedure, 3D-QSAR using GRIND descriptors, Laboratory of Chemometrics &Chemoinformatics, University of Perugia, Italy.
01/04/-30/06/2002, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy
2007-2008, IKY, State Scholarships Foundation
6th Conference of Medicinal Chemistry ,10-12 March, 2005, Patra
“Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Discovery and Design”
Best Poster Award:C. Koukoulitsa, G. D. Geromichalos, Α. Papageorgiou, D. Traphalis, Μ. Κontos, C. Κamoutsis, “Molecular modelling studies of a D-lactam steroid ester derivative of estrone”
Participation in research programs
2001-2002 Gerolymatos S.A. Pharmaceutical Company: “The Role of the Anticancer Drug Vinorelbine in Lipid Bilayers Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Molecular Modeling”
1/6/2006-31/7/2006 & 1/11/2006-31/12/2006 MEST-CT-2005-020575: Structuring the ERA, Marie Curie Actions: “A European Research Training Site for the Design and Synthesis of Novel Neuroprotective and Hypoglycaemic Agents through a Multi-disciplinary approach-EURODESY”
- Liargkova, T., Hadjipavlou-Litina, Koukoulitsa, C., Voulgari, E., Avgoustakis, C., Simple chalcones and bis -chalcones ethers as possible pleiotropic agents, J. Enz. Inhib. & Med. Chem., 31, 2, 2016, 302-313.
- Koukoulitsa C., Villalonga-Barber, C., Csonka, R., Alexi, X., Leonis, G., Dellis, D., Hamelink, E., Belda, O., Steele, B.R., Micha-Screttas, M., Alexis, M.N., Papadopoulos, M.G., Mavromoustakos, T., “Biological and computational evaluation of resveratrol inhibitors against Alzheimers disease”, J. Enz. Inhib. & Med. Chem. 2016, 31, 1, 67-77.
- M. D. Vitorović-Todorović, C. Koukoulitsa, I. O. Juranić, L. M. Mandić, B. J. Drakulić, “Structural modifications of 4-aryl-4-oxo-2-aminylbutanamides andtheir acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity.Investigation of AChE-ligand interactions by docking calculations andmolecular dynamics simulations”, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 81, 158-175.
- G. Agelis, K. Kelaidonis, A. Resvani, D. Kalavrizioti, M.-E. Androutsou, P. Plotas, D. Vlahakos, C. Koukoulitsa, T. Tselios, T. Mavromoustakos, J. Matsoukas, “Facile and efficient syntheses of a series of N-Benzyl and N-Biphenylmethyl substituted imidazole derivatives based on (E)-Urocanic acid, as angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockers”, Molecules, 2013, 18, 7510-7532.
- G. Agelis, A. Resvani, D. Ntountaniotis, P. Chatzigeorgiou, C. Koukoulitsa, M.E. Androutsou, P. Plotas, J. Matsoukas, T. Mavromoustakos, T. Čendak, T. U. Godec, G. Mali, “Interactions of the potent synthetic AT1 antagonist analog BV6 with membrane bilayers and mesoporus silicate matrices”, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 2013, 1828, 1846–1855.
- G. Agelis, A. Resvani, C. Koukoulitsa, T. Tůmová, J. Slaninová, D. Kalavrizioti, K. Spyridaki, A. Afantitis, G. Melagraki, A. Siafaka, E. Gkini, G. Megariotis, S. G. Grdadolnik, M. G. Papadopoulos, D. Vlahakos, M. Maragoudakis, G. Liapakis, T. Mavromoustakos, J. Matsoukas, “Rational design, efficient syntheses and biological evaluation of N,N′-symmetrically bis-substituted butylimidazole analogs as a new class of potent Angiotensin II receptor blockers” Eur. J. Med. Chem.,2013, 62, 352-370.
- C. Koukoulitsa, X. Alexi, S. Durdagi, B. R. Steele, A. Tsantili-Kakoulidou, E. Siapi, M. M.-Screttas, T. Mavromoustakos, C.V.-Barber, M.N. Alexis, “Comparisonofthermaleffectsofstilbenoidanalogsinlipidbilayersusingdifferentialscanningcalorimetryandmoleculardynamics: Correlationofthermaleffectsandtopographicalpositionwithantioxidantactivity”, Eur. J. Biophys., 2011, 40 (7), 865-875.
- T. Mavromoustakos, S. Durdagi, C. Koukoulitsa, M. Simcic, M. G. Papadopoulos, M. Hodoscek, S. G. Grdadolnikc, “Strategies in the rational drug design” Curr. Med. Chem., 2011, 18 (17), 2517-253.
- Koukoulitsa, C., Durdagi, S., Siapi, E., Villalonga-Barber, C., Alexi, X., Steele, B.R., Micha-Screttas, M., Alexis, M.N., Tsantili-Kakoulidou, A., Mavromoustakos, T.(2011) Comparison of thermal effects of stilbenoid analogs in lipid bilayers using differential scanning calorimetry and molecular dynamics: Correlation of thermal effects and topographical position with antioxidant activity, Eur Biophysics J40 (7), pp. 865-875.
- Karioti, A., Sokovic, M., Ciric, A., Koukoulitsa, C., Bilia, A.R., Skaltsa, H.(2011) Antimicrobial properties of Quercus ilex L. Proanthocyanidin dimers and simple phenolics: Evaluation of their synergistic activity with conventional antimicrobials and prediction of their pharmacokinetic profile, J. Agr. Food Chem.59 (12), pp. 6412-6422.
- Mavromoustakos, T., Durdagi, S., Koukoulitsa, C., Simcic, M., Papadopoulos, M.G., Hodoscek, M., Grdadolnik, S.G.(2011) Strategies in the rational drug design Curr. Med.Chem.18 (17), pp. 2517-2530.
- T. Mavromoustakos, P. Chatzigeorgiou, C. Koukoulitsa, S. Durdagi,PartialInterdigitationofLipidBilayers, (2011) Int. J. QuantumChem., 111 (6), 1172-1183.
- Chatzopoulou, M., Mamadou, E., Juskova, M., Koukoulitsa, C., Nicolaou, I., Stefek, M., Demopoulos, V.J.(2011) Structure-activity relations on [1-(3,5-difluoro-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1H- pyrrol-3-yl]phenylmethanone. the effect of methoxy substitution on aldose reductase inhibitory activity and selectivity Bioorg. Med. Chem. 19 (4), pp. 1426-1433
- S. Durdagi, M.G. Papadopoulos,Panagiotis G. Zoumpoulakis,C. Koukoulitsa,T. Mavromoustakos (2010) A Computational study on CB receptors and potent CB ligand: Homology modeling, docking, clustering and molecular dynamics analysis, Μοl. Diversity, 14 (2), 257-276.
- Pegklidou, K., Koukoulitsa, C., Nicolaou, I., Demopoulos, V.J. (2010) Design and synthesis of novel series of pyrrole based chemotypes and their evaluation as selective aldose reductase inhibitors. A case of bioisosterism between a carboxylic acid moiety and that of a tetrazoleBioorg. Med. Chem.18 (6), 2107-2114.
- C. Koukoulitsa, M. Dubois, F. Bailly, K. Pegklidou, V.J. Demopoulos, P. Cotelle, (2010) Evaluationofaldosereductaseinhibitionanddockingstudiesof 6’-nitroand 6’,6’’-dinitrorosmarinicacids, Eur. J. Med. Chem.,45 (4), 1663-1666
- V. Saroglou,A. Karioti, A. Rancic, K. Dimas,C. Koukoulitsa, M. Zervou, H. Skaltsa, (2010) Sesquiterpene Lactones from Anthemismelanolepis and Their Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activities. Prediction of their Pharmacokinetic Profile,J. Nat. Prod., 73 (2), 242-246.
- C. Koukoulitsa, A. Tsantili-Kakoulidou, T. Mavromoustakos, I. Chinou, (2009) PLS Analysis for antibacterial activity of natural coumarins using VolSurf descriptors, QSAR & Combinatorial Science,28 (8), 785-789.
- C. Koukoulitsa, M. Zervou, C. Demetzos, T. Mavromoustakos,(2008) “Comparative docking studies of labdane type diterpenes with forskolin at the active site of adenylyl cyclase”, Bioorg. Med. Chem.,68 (7), 647-649.
- S. Djeddi, A. Karioti, M. Sokovic, C. Koukoulitsa, H. Skaltsa, (2008), “A novel Sesquiterpene Lactone from Centaurea pullata: structure elucidation, antimicrobial activity, and prediction of pharmacokinetic properties”, Bioorg. Med. Chem.,16 (7), 3725-3731.
- C. Koukoulitsa, D. Hadjipavlou–Litina, G. D. Geromichalos, H. Skaltsa, (2007), “Inhibitoryeffectonsoybeanlipoxygenaseanddockingstudiesofsomesecondarymetabolites, isolatedfromOriganumvulgareL. ssp. hirtum”, J. Enz. Inhib. &Med. Chem.,22 (1), 99-104.
- C. Koukoulitsa, I. Kyrikou, C. Demetzos, T. Mavromoustakos, (2006), “The role of the anticancer drug vinorelbine in lipid bilayers using differential scanning calorimetry and molecular modeling studies”, Chem. Phys. Lipids,144 (1), 85-95.
- M. Kontos, M. Nikolopoulou, D. T. P. Trafalis, G. D. Geromichalos, C. Koukoulitsa,C. H. Camoutsis, E. Bastounis, P. Karamanakos, (2006), “The effect of a D-lactam steroid ester derivative of estrone on breast cancer cells”, Oncology Research Incorporating Anti-Cancer Drug Design,16 (3), 129-142.
- C. Koukoulitsa, A. Karioti, M. C. Bergonzi, G. Pescitelli, L. Di Bari, H. Skaltsa, (2006), “Polar constituents from the aerial parts of O. vulgare L. ssp. hirtum, growing wild in Greece”, J. Agr. Food. Chem.,54 (15), 5388-5392.
- C. Koukoulitsa, C. Zika,D. Hadjipavlou–Litina, V. JDemopoulos., H. Skaltsa, (2006), “Inhibitory effect of polar oregano extracts on aldose reductase and soybean lypoxygenasein vitro”, Phytother. Res.,20 (7), 605-606.
- D. T. P Trafalis, G. D. Geromichalos, C. Koukoulitsa, A. Papageorgiou, C. H. Camoutsis, (2006), “Lactandrate: A D-homo-aza-androsterone alkylator against breast cancer”, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 97 (1), 17-31.
- C. Koukoulitsa, C. Zika, G. D. Geromichalos, V. J. Demopoulos,H. Skaltsa,(2006), “Evaluation of aldose reductase inhibition and docking studies of some secondary metabolites, isolated from Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum”, Bioorg. Med. Chem.,14 (5), 1653-1656.
- C. Koukoulitsa, G. D. Geromichalos,H. Skaltsa, (2006), “AsimulationstudyoftheinteractionofsulfhydrylnucleophileswithseveralantifungalSesquiterpeneLactonesisolatedfromGreekCentaureasp.”,J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM),759 (1-3), 215-224.
- C. Koukoulitsa, G. D. Geromichalos,H. Skaltsa, (2005), “VolSurf analysis of pharmacokinetic properties for several antifungal Sesquiterpene Lactones isolated from Greek Centaurea sp.”, J. Comput-Aid Mol. Des., 19 (8), 617–623.
- E. Koukoulitsa, H. Skaltsa, A. Karioti, K. Demetzos, K. Dimas, (2002), “BioactiveSesquiterpenelactonesfromCentaureaspeciesandtheirCytotoxic/Cytostaticactivityagainsthumancelllinesinvitro”, PlantaMed.,68 (7), 647-649.
- Αικατερίνη Κουκουλίτσα, Παναγιώτης Ζουμπουλάκης, Serdar Durdagi, Α. Αβραμόπουλος, Θωμάς Μαυρομούστακος, (2007), “Η Χρήση των μεθόδων Κβαντικής Μηχανικής στην Οργανική και Φαρμακευτική Χημεία”, Φαρμακευτική, 20, (I), σελ. 11-17, 2007.
- Αικ. Κουκουλίτσα, Θ. Μαυρομούστακος, “Η ανάπτυξη αναστολέων β-σεκρετάσης για την καταπολέμηση της ασθένειας Αlzheimer”, Iατρικά Νέα, 2012, 48, 56-61.
- Αικ. Κουκουλίτσα, Τ. Kellici, Θ. Μαυρομούστακος, “Οι Aναστολείς ΜΑΟ ως Aντιπαρκινσονικά Φάρμακα”, Ιατρικά Νέα, 2012, 49, 50-56.
- Θ. Μαυρομούστακος, X. Tζούπης, Αικ. Κουκουλίτσα, Τ. Kellici, Γ. Λεώνης, Μ. Γ. Παπαδόπουλος, Γ. Λιαπάκης, Δ. Λογοθέτης, “Nέα πολυστοχευμένα φάρμακα κατά των πολυπαραγοντικών ασθενειών”, Ιατρικά Νέα, 2012, 50, 48-50.
- Serdar Durdagi, Catherine Koukoulitsa, Agnes Kapou, TherapiaKourouli, ThanosAndreou, Spyros P. Nikas, Victoria R. Nahmias, Demetris P. Papahatjis, Manthos G. Papadopoulos, Thomas Mavromoustakos “Testing the 3D QSAR/ComFA-CoMSIA Results of Flexible Bioactive Compounds with Molecular Docking Studies”, Drugs of the Future, 2007, 32, (Suppl. A), pg. 79.
- 2. GeromichalosGD, Paikos D, KoukoulitsaC, Moschos J, VoyatziS, MeditskouS., (2006), “TyrosinekinaseinhibitorHerbimycin-A (HERB-A) promotescelldeathafterexposureofHT29 humancoloncancercellstoetoposide (VP-16)”, AnnalsofOncology, vol. 17, Suppl. 9, ix61-ix62.
- 3. Geromichalos G, Paraskevopoulos R, Koukoulitsa C, Voyatzi S, Papageorgiou A, (2006), “Synergistic interaction of lovastatin with ACTINOMYCIN-D in A-549 human lung tumor cell line in vitro”, Lung Cancer, vol. 52, Suppl. 1, S33-S33.
- 4. Geromichalos GD, PaikosD, KoukoulitsaC, MeditskouS, MoshosI, VoyatziS, StravoravdiP, (2005),“Ιnteractionofmenadionewithacamptothecinanalogueinahumancoloncancercelllineinvitro”, Eur. J. Cancer, vol. 3, No.2, p.58.
- 5. E. Koukoulitsa, H. Skaltsa, G. Cruciani, (2003), “Prediction of the pharmacokinetic properties of the Sesquiterpene Lactones isolated from several Greek Centaurea sp.”, Εur. J. Drug Metab. Ph., vol. 28, No.1 Special Issue, p. 7.
- Μοριακή Μοντελοποίηση. Εφαρμογές στην Οργανική και Φαρμακευτική Χημεία (Τόμος Α΄) Θ. Μαυρομούστακος, Π. Ζουμπουλάκης, Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών. ΑΘΗΝΑ (προς δημοσίευση).
Contributionstothechapter:10ο Χρήση Κβαντοχημικών Μεθόδων στην Οργανική και Φαρμακευτική Χημεία.
1. C. Koukoulitsa, Biological evaluation and Molecular Dynamics studies of novel resveratrol and glyoxylato-aroylhydrazone analogs against Alzheimer’s disease, Drug Design Symposium, Istanbul, 21-23 March 2013.
C. Koukoulitsa, et al. Biological evaluation and molecular dynamics studies of novel resveratrol and glyoxylato-aroylhydrazone analogs against alzheimer disease,31st Camerino-Cyprus-Noordwijkerhout Symposium, “Receptor Chemistry Skyline”, Camerino, May 19-23, 2013.
Αικ. Κουκουλίτσα, X. Koντογιώργης, Δ. Χατζηπαύλου, Θ. Μαυρομούστακος, In Silico μελέτες 3-βενζυλοκουμαρινώνωςΜΑΟ-Βαναστολείς, 14οΣυνέδριο IατρικήςΧημείας, Πάτρα, 13-14 Μαΐου, 2013.
C., Koukoulitsa, et al. “Rational design and biological evaluation of novel resveratrol and glyoxylato-aroylhydrazone analogs against Alzheimer disease”, 15ο EλληνικόΣυμπόσιοΙατρικήςΧημείας, 25-27 Μαΐου 2012, Αθήνα.
Α. Resvani, C. Nikolis, G. Liapakis, D. Vlahakos, C. Koukoulitsa, et. al. Facile and Efficient Syntheses of Structurally Modified E-urocanic Acid Analogs as Potent Anagiotensin II Receptor Blockers, 32nd European Peptide Symposium, 2-7 September 2012, Athens. J. Pep. Sci. Proceedings, 358-360.
G. Agelis, A. Resvani, C. Koukoulitsa, et al. Rational Design, Efficient Synthesis, Biological Evaluation of New N,N '-bis-substituted Butylimidazole Analogs as Potent Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, 32nd European Peptide Symposium, 2-7 September 2012, Athens. J. Pep.Sci. Proceedings, 376-378.
C., Koukoulitsa, et al. “Structural elucidation of BV6 and its molecular docking at BACE-1” 12οΣυνέδριοΙατρικήςΧημείας,12-15 Απριλίου 2011, Πάτρα.
C., Koukoulitsα, et al. “The effects of BV6 at lipid bilayers and the AT1 receptor site”, 12οΣυνέδριοΙατρικήςΧημείας, 12-15 Απριλίου 2011, Πάτρα.
C., Koukoulitsa, et al. “Structural elucidation, conformational properties and molecular docking study at BACE-1 of bioactive molecule BV6” 29th Trends in Drug Research, 2-7 Οctober 2011, Cyprus.
C. Koukoulitsa, et al. “The use of VolSurf approach to explore IAM and HAS chromatographic indices”, 18th QSAR, 19-24 September, 2010, Rhodes, Greece.
13º Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Φαρμακοχημείας. 14-15 Μαρτίου, 2008, Αθήνα
S. Durdagi, P.G. Zoumpoulakis, H. Reis, M.G. Papadopoulos, C. Koukoulitsa, D. P. Papahatjis, T. Mavromoustakos. “Molecular docking and Molecular Dynamics simulations of the potent Δ18-ΤΗC Analogue AMG3
3oΠανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Θερμικής Ανάλυσης «Θέρμα 2007» 7-9/12/ 2007, Αθήνα
6th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium. 8-11 July, 2007 Istanbul
S. Durdagi, C. Koukoulitsa, A. Kapou, T. Kourouli, T. Andreou, S. P. Nikas, V. R., Nahmias, D.P. Papahatjis, M. G. Papadopoulos, T. Mavromoustakos. “Testing the 3D QSAR/ComFA-CoMSIA results of flexible bioactive compounds with molecular docking studies”.
2ο Eλληνικό Συμπόσιο Οργανικής Σύνθεσης. 19-21 Απριλίου, 2007 Aθήνα, «Από τη Χημεία, στη Βιολογία στην Ιατρική και στην επιστήμη υλικών»
Serdar Durdagi, Panagiotis G. Zoumpoulakis, Manthos G. Papadopoulos, Catherine Koukoulitsa, Demetris P. Papahatjis, Thomas Mavromoustakos. “Αn algorithm for the conformational analysis of flexible drug molecules: a critical aspect for the 3D-QSAR studies and rational drug design”
8ο Συνέδριο Ιατρικής Χημείας. 15-17 Μαρτίου, 2007, Πάτρα. «Σχεδιασμός και Ανάπτυξη Φαρμακευτικών Προϊόντων»
1.Κ. Κουκουλίτσα, Π. Ζουμπουλάκης, A. Ρεσβάνη, I. Mατσούκας, Θ. Μαυρομούστακος
“In Silico μελέτες ΑDME ιδιοτήτων ΑΤ1 ανταγωνιστών”
Προφορική ανακοίνωση:
S. Durdagi, K. Κουκουλίτσα, Α. Κάπου, Θ. Κουρουλή, Θ. Ανδρέου, Σ. Νίκας, Β. Ναχμία, Δ. Παπαχαντζής, Θ. Μαυρομούστακος.
«Εφαρμογές τρισδιάστατων σχέσεων δομής-δράσης (3D-QSAR) και φαρμακοκινητικές μελέτες καινοτόμων κανναβινοειδών προσδετών υποκαταστημένων στη C1' θέση της αλκυλικής αλυσίδας»
31st ESMO Congress. 29 September -3 October, 2006, Istabul, Turkey
Geromichalos GD, PaikosD, Koukoulitsa C, MoschosJ, Voyatzi S, Meditskou S. “Tyrosine kinase inhibitor Herbimycin-A (HERB-A) promotes cell death after exposure of HT29 human colon cancer cells to etoposide (VP-16)”
6th Congress Balcan Union of Oncology. 13-16 September, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria
G.D. Geromichalos, C. Koukoulitsa, A. Papageorgiou, P. Dalezis, S. Voyatzi, P. Stravoravdi, D. Trafalis, A. Athanassiou. “Interaction of lovastatin with mitoxantrone in a human tumor cell line in vitro”
16th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Molecular Modelling. 10-17 September, 2006, Italy
S. Durdagi, C. Koukoulitsa, T. Kourouli, T. Andreou, S. Nikas, V. Nahmias, D. Papahatjis, M.G. Papadopoulos, and T. Mavromoustakos. “Theoretical Investigation of Pharmacokinetic Profile of Synthetic Cannabinoids”
10th Central European Lung Cancer Conference. 18-21 June, 2006, Prague
Geromichalos GD, Paraskevopoulos P, Koukoulitsa C, Voyatzi S, Papageorgiou A. “Synergistic interaction of lovastatin with actinomycin-D in A-549 human lung tumor cell line in vitro”
17th ICACT. January 30th-February 2nd, 2006, France
Geromichalos GD, Koukoulitsa C, Βoutis A, Papageorgiou P, Andreadis Ch “In vitro synergistic enhancement of Actinomycin-D cytotoxicity on K-562 human erythroleukemia cells by tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein”
12º Πανελλήνιο Φαρμακευτικό Συνέδριο. 27-28 Ιανουαρίου, 2006, Πάτρα
Κ. Κουκουλίτσα, Ι. Κυρίκου, Κ. Δεμέτζος, Θ. Μαυρομούστακος. “Mελέτη του ρόλου τoυ αντικαρκινικού φαρμάκου βινορελμπίνη σε λιπιδικές διπλοστοιβάδες με χρήση Διαφορικής Θερμιδομετρίας Σάρωσης και Μοριακής Προσομοίωσης”
ΕCCO 13 The European Cancer Conference. 30 October- 3 November 2005, Paris
Geromichalos GD, Paikos D, Koukoulitsa C, Meditskou S, Moschos I, Voyatzi S, Stravoravdi P. “Interaction of menadione with menadione with a camptothecin analogue in a human colon cancer cell line in virtro”
53rd GA Congress Joint with SIF (Società Italiana di Fitochimica). 20-25 Aυγούστου, 2005, Φλωρεντία, Iταλία
C. Koukoulitsa, A. Karioti, M. C. Bergonzi, L. diBari, G. Geromichalos, H. Skaltsa, “PolarconstituentsfromtheaerialpartsofOriganumvulgareL. ssp. hirtum, growing wild in Greece and their characterization using theVolSurf procedure. Inhibitory effect on mushroom tyrosinase”
6οΣυνέδριοΙατρικήςΧημείας. 10-12 Μαρτίου, 2005, Πάτρα. «Σχεδιασμός και Ανάπτυξη Φαρμακευτικών Προϊόντων»
Bραβείο καλύτερης αναρτημένης ανακοίνωσης:
Κατερίνα Koυκουλίτσα, Γεώργιος Δ. Γερομιχαλός, Αθανάσιος Παπαγεωργίου., Δημήτριος Τραφαλής, Μιχαήλ Κοντός, Χαράλαμπος Καμούτσης, «Μελέτες μοριακής μοντελοποίησης ενός D-λακταμικού στεροειδούς παραγώγου της οιστρόνης»
8ο Συνέδριο Χημείας Ελλάδας-Κύπρου. 10-13 Δεκεμβρίου, 2004, Θεσσαλονίκη. «Χημεία, Ποιότητα Ζωής και Εκπαίδευση»
Koυκουλίτσα Κ., Σκαλτσά Ε., Zήκα X., Δημόπουλος Β. Ι., Cruciani G., «Μελέτη πρόσδεσης στο ενεργό κέντρο της αναγωγάσης της αλδόζης, με τη μέθοδο GLUE»
Koυκουλίτσα Κ., Σκαλτσά Ε., Χατζηπαύλου-Λίτινα Δ., Cruciani G., «Μελέτες μοριακής μοντελοποίησης φαινολικών οξέων απομονωμένων από το φυτό Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum, ως αναστολέων της φυτικής λιποξυγονάσης από σόγια»
15th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Molecular Modelling. 5-1 September, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey
Catherine Koukoulitsa, Helen Skaltsa, Gabriele Cruciani. “Prediction of the pharmacokinetic properties of Sesquiterpene Lactones isolated from several Greek Centaurea sp., using the VolSurf procedure”
11º Πανελλήνιο Φαρμακευτικό Συνέδριο. 29-31 Μαρτίου, 2003, Αθήνα
Προφορική ανακοίνωση:
Kουκουλίτσα Αικατερίνη, Σκαλτσά Ελένη, Δεμέτζος Κωνσταντίνος, CrucianiGabriele, «Πρόβλεψη φαρμακοκινητικών ιδιοτήτων σεσκιτερπενικών λακτονών με υπολογιστικές μεθόδους»
ΧΧΙ Convegno Interregionale. TUMA 2002. 15-17 July, 2002, Urbino, Italy
G. Cruciani, C. Demetzos, E. Koukoulitsa, E. Skaltsa, «Predizione di proprietà farmacocinetiche di sesquiterpeni lattoni isolati da diverse specie della pianta Centaurea».
Ιnternational Congress and 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Reasearch. 2-6 September, 2001, Erlangen, Germany
E. Koukoulitsa, A. Karioti, K. Dimas, C. Demetzos, H. Skaltsa, “Sesquiterpene lactones from the aerial parts of Centaurea zuccariniana and their cytotoxic/cytostatic activity against human cell lines in vitro”
9º Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Φαρμακοχημείας. 14-15 Ιανουαρίου, 2000, Αθήνα
Προφορική ανακοίνωση:
Kουκουλίτσα Κατερίνα, Χατζηπαύλου-Λίτινα Δήμητρα, «Ποσοτικές Σχέσεις δομής διαφόρων ενώσεων με την ανθελονοσιακή τους δράση. Σχέσεις QSAR».
- Participation to the Organizing Committee of Congresses
1. 18th QSAR, 19-24 September 2010, Rhodes, Greece.
2. 29th Trends in Drug Research, 2-7 Οctober, 2011, Cyprus.